Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Tears after tears spilled from my eyes uncontrollably. I placed my hand over my mouth to hold in my sobs but the sounds still made it through. The pain was terrible and the fear was greater than every. I had barely ever been afraid of anything but tonight I was.

The clock was striking to midnight and an hour had passed by since the horrific events yet I couldn't get any sleep.

I wasn't going to.

Whatever had attacked me tonight and killed people—Wayne was that. He was the same monster as that man was and that monster was most terrific thing I had ever seen in all my twenty years of living.

I wanted to blame someone for this, I wanted to be furious over Wayne and pin my finger over him for everything but I couldn't. This wasn't his fault, it wasn't anyone's except for my own mother's. It all circled back to my family, to my terrible mother.

After another hour of sobbing and bruising my eyes, I stood up from the bed and walked over to the washroom. Warm water flooded down from the tap and I used to wash away the dry blood on my neck.

After a minute of constantly trying, I couldn't get rid of the blood. My cheeks grew wet as more tears fell from my eyes. I groaned in frustration and slammed my fist against the sink only to hurt myself more.

I cursed at my self and then dropped my head low on the sink as the water continued to run. As I had lost blood, I barely had any energy left inside of me. My eyes strained, every muscle in my body was tensed and I was still shaking out of fear.

"What's wrong?" Wayne appeared at the front door. He stepped inside my room and walked over into the washroom. "I thought you were sleeping..." He trailed off.

I rose my head from the sink and replied, "I can't remove the blood. It feels terrible on my skin. I—I just want to wash it away." Everything irritated me, even the sound of my own breathing.

He stared down at the mess in my neck before he turned around and grabbed a face towel. After soaking the towel in warm water, he gently pressed it against the dry blood smeared on my neck. With a couple of strokes, he was able to clean it while I held my hair up in a ponytail.

Staring at the mirror, I found two deep pits in my neck where the monster's teeth had been. It seemed like it was closing up and didn't need any more attention.

"I'm sorry." Wayne murmured under his breath.

"You rather watch a hundred of your people die than kill one." I replied to him after a minute of silence.

"I didn't want anyone to die, Clara. I'm sorry." He apologized once more. "I had no idea he would hurt so many people at once. I thought I could control him with the right words."


I titled my head as he cleaned the rest of my neck and my shoulder. Moments after, I took off my shirt and wore a new one.

After changing, I stepped out from the washroom and met with Wayne inside the bedroom where he was pacing around in circles, his head low and disappointment in his eyes.

"Were you like that?" I asked quietly.

The past couple of weeks I had spent here, I had noticed nothing odd which made me assume he was doing okay and nothing wrong had happened. Wayne wasn't going around feeding on people and acting manic as that man earlier.

Unless he was hiding it.

"I has been a while now. I'm able to control myself, Clara." He said, raising his head.

"Did you kill people?" I asked, hesitation in my tone.


I pursued my lips and swallowed down before walking away from him and over to my bed. There was nothing shocking about it as I had just seen the reality of the monster earlier.

"There were accidents. I couldn't control myself then but I haven't killed anyone else since then." He followed me around. I could feel his warm body just inches away from mine. "You told me you wouldn't see me like that. Don't give me that look, Clara. I won't be able to take it from you." Pain appeared in his voice as he continued talking to me.

"What else do you want me to do?" I turned to him and painful tingles shot through my body. "I saw something—I saw something so terrible that I can't ever erase that memory!" My eyes teared and my voice softened, lowering down to a whisper. "That man was hideous, his face, the way he walked, the way he killed—everything, it was terrifying. And if that's you, then I'm scared of you."

He leaned forward and shook his head, "You don't have to be scared of me."

"I am." A drop of tear fell over my cheeks and I took in a quick breath.

"Please," He placed his hands over my face. "Don't."

"I'm sorry. I don't know how to not be. What if you change suddenly and decide to kill me, Wayne? What if you become that monster out of nowhere? How am I supposed to live with something like that?" I asked him and my heart ached with every word that poured out of my throat.

"I'll not be like this forever. I'll change myself, I'll figure out a way, Clara, I promise, I'll do something about it but I'll never hurt you." He walked closer, closing the space between us while his hands remained on my face, fingers pressing hard against my cheek as he spoke to me.

I didn't want to make a decision right away, I didn't want to choose anything right now. He eyes were on mine, waiting for me to say something. He was expecting me to hear him, believe in him and be with him but I didn't know what to do.

Just at the perfect time, Nora came knocking on the door and we separated ourselves from each other as she stepped inside my room.

"I have prepared dinner. Both of you should have a couple of bites before sleeping." She said while standing on the corner of the room.

I wiped away my tears from the sleeve of my shirt before nodding my head and agreeing. "I'll come."

I followed Nora downstairs into the kitchen while leaving Wayne behind. He had been following us for a few seconds before I heard his phone ring and watched him disappear into another room to attend to the call.

"Beans?" Nora asked as I sat by the table to eat.

My shoulders sagged with exhaustion and I nodded my head, "Anything."

Wayne came downstairs and joined the table a few minutes later. We gave each other a glance before I quietly began eating my food and whatever I could take in. My throat ached with every bite I chewed and I feared if the holes would tear up before they could heal properly.

I wondered if that would happen.

Midway eating the steak, the man's face appeared in my head and I quivered in fear before setting down my knife and fork.

"Was he poisoned?" I asked Wayne.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Did it happen before? Was someone else poisoned? How many of mo—people had been poisoned?" I furrowed my brows and held my breath in.

"This was the first time. I haven't heard about anyone else getting poisoned." He shook his head.

I quickly continued before I had a moment to think. "Do you think my mother sold the poison to the Alpha of the pack you're suspicions are on?"

My thoughts were scrambled.

"No," He paused for a moment. "I think your mother is here, somewhere around this town and I think she is trying to get to you."

The breath left my lungs as I gasped. No. My eyes widened as the horror had just begun.

What do you think her mother wants now?

Also for clarification, there is no mention of vampires here as in this world the only creatures that do exist are werewolves and people who practice magic. Vampires aren't known in this world and nor does anyone has knowledge about them.  

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