Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

I stared at the fireplace inside Wayne's office and warmed my hands while he scurried through papers behind me. "Did you keep track on her?" I asked him while looking over my shoulders.

He seemed confused, "I don't know. I'm not sure but I did have one of my men follow her. Though, I didn't keep track of the updates as I was dealing with problems of my own." He looked behind and met with my gaze while holding a bundle of papers. "The last time I had seen your mother was at the same time and she had poisoned me then."


I understood what he had meant by that. After my mother had given him the poison, he began changing and with that came awfully terrible things. He was not the monster that we had encountered in the forest as he had learned to control himself. I didn't know how he did it but I knew it was difficult and it took plenty of his time.

I lowered my eyes to the papers in his hold before lifting myself off the ground and walking over to him. "What's this?" I placed a hand over the table and another one over my hip.

"These were the updates I had gotten. I think so." He spread the papers over the carved wooden desk and I took a quick glance at it.

Grabbing one of the papers, I lifted it up and read it closer. It mentioned a location, a time and what my mother had been doing.



Driving a 2012 Honda over 13th street, stopped by the building—name unknown—was there for three hours before she had left the town.

I chewed on my lower lip while reading the papers. Wayne had sent someone to keep a track on my mother and he had reported everything. It wasn't of everyday but random days of the month.

She had skipped through a couple of towns and even travelled to a few other cities where she had only stayed for a couple of weeks before leaving and escaping to another place. Her movements were shady to say the least and nothing could be figured out with the locations.

"So," I cleared my throat and placed a paper over the table. "We don't know where she was when you banished her but I can tell she was somewhere secluded, with Uncle Hawk, forming the poison that she had given you. Once it was completed, she returned her, just around the same time I left and she had given the poison to you." I continued before taking a long, deep breath. "She had travelled through several packs after she left from here so we don't know which pack or Alpha had she sold the poison to and we cannot figure it out with this information."

Wayne listened before nodding his head, "I agree. It's fucking useless to even read this shit." He groaned and turned around to face the window. His right hand rested over his forehead as tension spread over his body.

"What's wrong?" I asked him in a low whisper, not knowing the exact reason behind his grumpiness.

We had only been inside the office for less than an hour and that wasn't enough time to make someone cranky.

"Your mother had given the poison to someone, someone that could probably use it on innocent people, Clara!" He snapped.

"Yes, and we are figuring out a way to find who."

"But that could take a long time and we don't have time. What if there are people already changing or poisoned? Who knows the number? And there is no way to control it!" He continued, making a few points that I had understood.

We weren't truly sure about anything, especially after the encounter of that man in the woods.

No one was safe.

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