Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I wasted Wayne's precious time by taking my time to choose a perfect dress. Well, I didn't care about the dress but I did care about taking my sweet revenge on him after last night's mishaps. Only if he had let me finish, I wouldn't have been here and he wouldn't have to put everything on hold just to cater to me.

"I look fat in this," I said, running my hands through my belly and legs. It was a short red dress that made my stomach look like I had been surviving on junk food over the past year.

Wayne groaned and leaned back in the dressing room. "Can you just pick anything? Fast? Please?" He asked, for the third time in a row. He had been dying to leave the mall after spending two hours here, with me.

I was hell-bent on making his life miserable after he tried to make mine. Unzipping the dress, I let it fall over the carpet before I walked out and grabbed another one while completely ignoring what he had just told me.

He stared at me in disbelief, lips parted open and eyes wide while I tried on another dress.

"Mhm. What do you think about this?" I asked, turning around to him to find his face turning red with anger. "Oh. So, you think it's ugly?" I pouted while raising my eyes to see myself in the mirror.

It was a pretty dress; velvety, soft and with a little bit of netting that flowed over my knees and there wasn't much work done so it didn't look too heavy.

"I think I like this one."

"Finally." He raised his hands and then leaned back on the wall while growling in frustration.

"No. I change my mind." I quickly said while curling my arms around and unzipping the dress from the side.

Wayne stood up from the seat and stared at me. "Why? It looks amazing. Just get it. You don't need any specific dress. You'll look perfect in anything." He really tried to butter me up with his words but I knew him and I knew everything he did.

"Well," I pushed a few pieces of my hair behind my shoulders before spinning around to face him. "I'll get the dress if you tell me about the event you're so kindly hosting—" Just as he opened his mouth, I drew a finger on his lip and continued, "And don't lie to me, I have known you for a very long time. Tell me what this event is about?"

"It's a charity event, Clara. Nothing more." He grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from his face. His voice gave it all, he was clearly lying and hiding something behind this charity event.

Rose told me that there were secret meetings held at the end of the event. Wayne had something up his sleeve and I was dying to figure out what it was.

Leaning closer, I squinted and placed my hand over his chest, "Lie to me all you want. I'm going to figure it out and I suppose it will answer my question as to why you came for my rescue and bought me here as well." I whispered in his ear.

His jaw tightened and he looked away before walking out of the changing room. I clicked my tongue in my mouth, knowing something was certainly up.

I slipped out from the dress and among the entire twenty dresses I had tried, I picked up the last one and walked out. Giving it to the woman, I glanced around, finding Wayne on the phone just outside of the store. He looked odd. His shoulders were tensed, wrinkles were on his forehead and whatever he said, he said with worry on his face.

"Would you like to get this one, Ms. Clara?" The woman asked.

I snapped my attention to the cashier and nodded my head, "Make it fast."

The woman began scanning the dress and wrapping it up in another bag whilst my eyes were upon Wayne. I couldn't hear what he was talking about but I could tell it was something big. Everything within me was yearning to go outside and hear his conversation without any shame.

After a good ten minutes, Wayne walked in and paid for the dress before walking out along with me. He didn't utter another word to me and there was no conversation between us until we reached outside of the mall.

"Who were you talking to? It looked serious." I slipped in the question without hesitation and with a hint of impatience.

Wayne gave the parking ticket to the valet in the front before he diverted his attention to me. "It was someone."


"None of your business."

"Well, it did make you worry. Who was it?" I asked, bumming him for the next few minutes until he didn't spill.

Out of nowhere, two strange men, covered in black appeared and stood outside of their car. Their eyes were covered with pitch-black sunglasses so I couldn't see if they were looking at me and Wayne.

When the car arrived, we got inside and Wayne began driving. From the side mirror, I noticed the two men getting inside their vehicle and following us.

"Who are they?" I turned to Wayne.

He seemed unbothered by them following us. "My boys."

I breathed out a sigh of relief and pressed my back against the car seat. There was nothing to be worried about. "So what was the call for? It seemed to have your attention?" I repeated again, desperately wanting to know the call that came to him out of nowhere and left him tensed.

The guards weren't there before, when we left the house and came to the mall. The entire time in the mall, I didn't spot anyone until we left.

Wayne took another turn instead of the road leading us back to the house. He had no intentions of dropping me off. As it had been a long time, I couldn't remember the roads properly or where we were heading to. Many things were different here and it left me more confused.

"Someone saw us..." He trailed off, driving slowly toward another unfamiliar building. It was a large building, at least a good fifteen storey building that I had never seen in town before.

"Saw us?" My eyes widened. "Where?"

"In the woods."


"When you killed Thomas?" I asked, my voice low and shaking with fear. He had killed another Alpha because of me and it was going to create a lot of issues—for him.


I closed my eyes and breathed. I didn't want to drag Wayne into my mess. Killing Thomas was my work and I was going to do it. If anyone even saw me, it wouldn't have caused any problem as I couldn't be identified but everyone knew about Wayne.

"I—I thought no one was there..." My voice was filled with fear. "How did you know? Did someone reach out from the pack?"

"Yes. Their Beta. They know I've killed Thomas and they aren't going to rest until they get their revenge." Wayne said, parking the car under the building and at the entrance.

The black car with the guards inside them also stopped just behind us. When Wayne stepped out, so did I. He headed into the building and I went along with him. Going up the elevator, we went a few floors up before stopping at the fourteenth floor. When stepping out, I found an office and a group of men sitting in the circle with a wooden table in between.

A pack meeting?


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