Chapter 1

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Chapter 01

There was no peace.

Not in this world.

"Please, please, don't kill him. He hasn't done anything to you." The naked woman nearby begged, her hands clasped together and meeting with her chest.

I never looked in the direction of weakness. Not since I fled north and came here, hoping to find peace. The world ahead of me was red, full of blood, death, and an urge to kill.

I slashed my teeth into him, the wolf that laid on the ground, barely breathing while his lover stood by and watched him die. It was the last wound I intended on giving him and that was all he could take before releasing his last breath and dying on the same ground where I had killed a few hundred other wolves.

The woman's voice screeched in my ears. She screamed and cried while thrashing her arms around and reaching for her lover. But at the same time, she had silence in her eyes as if she wanted him to die for a very long time.

Harris. He wasn't a good man, many people were aware and when I became aware, I made him my next target. He died quickly and without a fight. He was willing and guilty to suffer the consequences of his mistakes.

My eyes traveled over the woman before I took a few steps back and ran into the darkness. A smile curled on my lips. Another mistake was ended. A glint of moonlight cascaded over me and the backyard of the house. I made my way through the house, shifted, and wore my clothes before taking my car and leaving the scene.

No one was going to come looking for me. People didn't care about people like Harris unless they wanted something. We all were selfish and greedy, only looking out for ourselves.

I traveled across the city for a few minutes before parking my car at the gas station and hopping out. Something was troubling me. My body felt warmer than usual. I stripped the black leather jacket and threw it over the passenger seat before running into the gas station's washroom.

The reflection stared at me. Two pairs of brown eyes bore me down. The water ran from the tap and continued until I slipped my fingers underneath it. Once wet, I wiped my lips as drops of Harris' blood were still smeared on my face. My thoughts began drifting away the longer I stared at my reflection.

The same question appeared in my head once more. What am I doing? A whole year, more than three hundred days, and yet the question didn't seem to leave me alone. I made up a thousand answers, hoping it would leave me, but it didn't.

I closed my eyes and sighed before plucking up a fresh tissue from the box and wiping the water off my face. The blood was gone but the scars remained. In the process of dueling with a ton of wolves, I was gifted with numerous scars all over my body and some on my face. I stopped counting after the tenth one I received from a man who was quite like Harris.

A knock appeared on the door and continued with a few more. I sniffed out a woman, a human, eager to get in the washroom and use it. As she continued ramming the door, I dried my face, cleaned up any blood and tucked in the bloody tissue papers before walking out.

The woman on the other end was red with fury. She pushed past me and entered the washroom while murmuring a few curse words under her breath. I rolled my eyes and made my way out of the gas station.

Getting back in my car, I started the engine and got back on the road. It was late, three in the morning, and yet I couldn't find any sleep for myself. The days had been troubling me in a way and the nights had been torturing me.

There was no peace here or anywhere.

I lazily drove around the city for a few more minutes, hoping to kill some more time but the clock barely ticked. After giving up, I bought the car to a halt nearby the apartment I lived in and grabbed my stuff before heading upstairs.

As I got inside the elevator, the little child everyone knew about slipped in with me. Jerry held a small grocery bag in his hand while his face was lightened up with a smile.

The elevator closed and I asked, "What are you doing awake so late?" I had seen him in numerous occasions, but it was too late today, and it was odd to find a small child roaming the dangerous streets of the city.

"Mommy wanted some things. She told me I could sleep after I got them for her." He looked up at me, eyes dilated and a red glow on his cheeks.

I lowered my gaze to the grocery bags, finding the norm—bands, syringes, a rope, and an ice cream. The ice cream cone was there to only cover up the drug issue Jerry's mother suffered from.

"Don't go out at this time. It's not safe and you should tell that to your mommy." I spoke to the child while the elevator continued running, taking us upstairs to our floor where we lived across from each other.

Jerry's mother was a drug addict. She was always found high on drugs whenever I crossed by her apartment. She lived alone with her ten-year-old son. Unfortunately, there wasn't much I could do about it. She loved Jerry and dared never to bring any harm upon him.

"But you're out at this time. Is it safe for you?" Jerry asked as the elevator stopped. He hopped out and waited for me to leave.

I reached for my keys buried deep inside my bag and once I found them, I headed toward my apartment. Before I could push the key into the lock, I looked over my shoulders and found the curious boy waiting for his answer.

My lips curled into a smile, "Sometimes, some people don't care about what happens around them or for their lives, Jerry."

"But I care about you." He pouted from a distance.

"I know," I sighed and unlocked the door to my apartment. "Have a good night and try not to go out at three in the morning again," I said before walking inside.

"It's been over a year. You should've moved on by now rather than waiting for something that's not meant to happen, to happen." I said, mocking him. 

Enjoy the first chapter <3 Let me know your thoughts on it! 

You can also read the book on Inkitt for free and on Patreon where the book is completed (subscription based). 

Thank you all. 

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