Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I held the boy's hand and carried him out and in safety. He wept and cried in pain as blood dripped from his neck endlessly. He wasn't developed which meant he couldn't heal on his own, he needed to go to the ER before he could lose any more blood.

I tried consoling him as much as I could, whispering him comforting words and patting his back but nothing helped. For minutes, I wandered around the forest, searching for someone who could help me take the boy to the hospital.

When I caught a couple of scents, I went straight into that direction and found a group of warriors training in the middle of nowhere. There was a fire, providing them with warmth and camps where training was taking place.

"You need to take him to the hospital." I told the man leading the training tonight. The rest of the warriors in training began gathering around me. There were young as well, barely adults and it was dangerous to be in the forest for any of them.

Whoever that was, that monster I had seen earlier wasn't just done and I began questioning what Wayne was doing with him.

The man leading rose his gaze and stared at me for a long minute. I could tell he was confused and doubting my presence as my scent was strange. After leaving the pack a year ago, I had lost my identity entirely, I was an omega but also the Alpha's mate and there were different scents that had clashed and formed a new one. Barely anyone recognized my scent anymore.

I lined my lips straight, "Take him to the hospital before I rip your head off."

The man quickly grabbed the boy off my shoulders and turned around to command the warriors in training. A few of them got into the vehicle nearby and they began driving out of the forest while the rest of them remained surrounded around me.

Whispers began to rise between them.

The ones that had gotten a sight of the boy and the wound on his neck were gossiping among themselves. I could hear it all.

"Did you see that? It looked like a bite. I think she bit a boy." One of them whispered to another and I rolled my eyes before turning around and walking back into the same path I came from.

I needed to find Wayne. The silence was eating me up alive. There was no sound of him or the monster we both had encountered. The night was getting darker and I was getting uncomfortable.

I parted myself away from the camp and none of the warriors followed me. They remained there even though I had warned them to leave the forest and go into the town.

Cold air stung at my face and I pushed my hands inside the pockets of my jacket. I continued walking as my heart thudded loudly from the fear of the unknown. Different thoughts raced in my mind and I couldn't stop picturing what I had seen. The man's face, the creature's face left an imprint in my head, an image I could never forget.

I knew the path I came from so I began walking back in the same path, hoping to find Wayne somewhere around. Minutes passed and I still couldn't hear anything except for the leaves rustling and the branches snapping underneath my footsteps.

Out of nowhere, a scream erupted from behind me and I stopped walking. Turning around, I looked ahead toward where the camps were and the screams began rising from there. My brows furrowed in confusion.

Wayne was on the other side of the forest. Why were there screams coming from the camps? The voices doubled and chaos began to form there. I quickly pounced on my steps and began running towards the camps.

By the time I reached the camps, the little fire used for warmth had spread and caught on one of the tents. The flames from the fire were harsh and burning and the light ignited the forest, making it easier for me to see.

I took in a quick inhale of the smoky, cold air and stepped back upon finding the warriors racing in circles and screaming for their lives as the same stranger from earlier began feeding on whoever he could find. No one was able to tackle him down as he was stronger.

I watched one of the warrior's run to him. He jumped on his back, pushed him to the ground and moments later, the monster threw him off his shoulders and a loud squealing sound echoed across the forest before the strange man plunged his teeth into the warrior and ripped his throat open.

It was the kind of disaster I had never seen before, the kind of monster no one had even thought about it before. It was impossible.

I took a careful step forward, still remaining in the dark, hoping I could protect myself. From the looks of it, it seemed like nothing could stop him, no matter how great strength anyone had. The man was stronger and when his face morphed, his body grew in size, at least double than what he was before.

Fury and pain triggered him, making him mindless as he roamed around, slashing his teeth across anyone mortal he could find.

Where was Wayne?

I snapped my head around, looking for him through the crowd. Did something happen to him? Unusual questions and imaginations sped through my head as I sought for him. He was there, with the monster, just a few minutes ago and now I couldn't find him.

Between the screams, I called for him, "Wayne!"

Injured bodies began falling on the grounds one by one with wounds in their necks and in their arms as they were drained of their blood.


"Wayne!" I yelled once more, running behind the tree and away from the fire growing on one of the tents.

"Clara!" His voice appeared from behind me. "What are you doing here? I told you to leave with the boy." He snapped at me, enraged and his eyes changing colors.

"I was going to but I thought—" I paused for a minute, scanning him from the top to the bottom. "He didn't hurt you." I whispered after finding no open-wound on his body.

Wayne had been with the monster for a few minutes and he had done nothing to him even when he had tossed him unconscious.

"He didn't," Wayne shook his head and neared me. "But you need to get out of here and take whoever you can. He will kill whoever he finds."

"Then kill him!" I exclaimed, baffled by the fact that the mindless monster wasn't dead yet. "Why haven't you killed him? He literally tore through an entire camp. There are bodies on this ground—dead or alive, it doesn't matter!" My soul screamed as wind cascaded over my face.

"I can't." He said.

One word.

"Why not?" I threw my hands in the air. "He's killing people, Wayne, your people. You have to kill him."

"He's from my pack, Clara! I'm not going to kill one of my own." He continued, his nostrils flaring at me as I had just told him to do something terrible.

I pressed my hand against my forehead and breathed heavily. My heart pounded in my chest while the screams continued to blast through the camp ground.

"He's going to kill all of us." I whispered while opening my eyes and meeting with his. People were dropping left and right, there was only one outcome of this—either the monster was going to die or we were all.

"I'm not going to kill him." Wayne stayed on his words. He wasn't going to change his mind and he clearly wasn't going to kill the man that was feeding on all of us. "Leave and take whoever you can. Run away from here. I'll control him." He pushed his shoulders back and then turned around before walking toward the tents where the monster was.

He could not control him.

And I knew it.

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