Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

It was like my entire world just crushed into tiny bit pieces that I wasn't even able to pick up. For a second, I just stood there, breathing and staring at Wayne with my eyes wide. It didn't strike me just yet. I was still in disbelief or in confusion, unable to make sense of what he had just said.

My mother...

She had done something, once more.

"S—she poisoned you?" I asked, releasing the breath I had been holding in. My heart was aching and my fingers were trembling at the thought of it all. "Why?"

"It just happened. I didn't know, Clara. She—I thought she came by to apologize or something. I was in a weak state, she used it and she poisoned. By the time I understood, it was too late and she was gone." He continued, explaining me the rest of it. This was the secret he was hiding.


Mixed emotions coursed through me. I didn't know what to say or what to think. All along I had thought that everything was well with Wayne, that he had moved on with his life, that he had been happier without me over the year but I was wrong.

I was terribly wrong.

"What did she poison you with? Wh—what creature are you talking about?" There were a thousand questions that I needed answers for. I took in Wayne's words slowly, understanding him.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I waited for him to respond. His eyes darkened, not with anger or fury but with misery. "I don't what it was but it was something similar to the poison she had already cooked up. It didn't weaken me, not at all."

"Then?" I looked up at him, worried sick, wondering the worst that could have already happened with him. The little bulb of guilt I carried with myself for leaving Wayne a year ago suddenly expanded in size.

"It strengthened me. At first, I thought it was just my wolf but then, different things began to trigger my senses, like the scent of blood and dead animals. Whenever I went for a run, I felt a need to feed on animals passing by." Wayne paused for a minute, holding himself together. He sat down on my bed, hands flattened against the mattress.

I walked over to him and asked, "Did you?"

"Feed?" He raised his head, piercing his eyes straight to my soul. "I had to. It was killing me. The longer I resisted the hunger, the worst I felt. I was miserable so I did it. I feed on that poor animal's blood and his meat when he was still breathing." His voice cracked, almost as if he was going to break any second.

A second of silence passed by, "But it wasn't enough..." He trailed off.


"I couldn't live off on feeding on animals. It just didn't seem to be enough. The hunger only grew from there and it kept on growing until this one day, during a fight, someone was terribly injured and his blood was all over the place. I tried to stop myself but I couldn't—I tasted him, his blood and it strengthened me." The gloom disappeared from his eyes and I took a step back when I found hunger replacing the sadness within them.

" feed on blood...of people?" I mumbled.

"Without the blood, I'm dead, Clara. I tried. A few days into the experiment and I barely could stand straight. Another week and I was driven to bed, inching my death as I controlled my hunger." He shook his head, "I'm a monster and I cannot live without blood."

I swallowed down the lump forming in my throat and took a breath as silence spread between us. My mother had poisoned my own mate. I couldn't even imagine it but it was here. Wayne was a monster, drinking the blood of living and surviving. That's what he had been doing over the entire year I had left him.

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