Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Missed you in the city. Wondered where you ran off to."

I snorted at him while the impulse to claw him out of this place grew stronger within me. "What are you doing here, Noah?" I asked, my jaw clenched and my hands twisting into fists.

I had met him a few times, he was always in the shadows, watching me while I killed his and Thomas' men. He took the information to his Alpha every time like a submissive Beta.

I surely couldn't harm him here, in a middle of an event where my own mate was present along with other Alpha's but I couldn't resist the urge either.

He folded his arms across his chest while the corners of his mouth turned into a corrupt smile. "Sudden disappearance and the sudden death of my Alpha, Thomas. Something's suspicious. I know you killed him."

"I did not." I hissed at him.

"I know you didn't but your mate did and I'm here to take my revenge," He grinned, rocking his muscular body back and forth. I moved closer to him while anger rocketed through my veins. He rose his hands up in defense and continued, "Oh, and before you try anything, I have this place covered with my men and there will be a whole war if you dare to lay your hands on me."

It sounded like a threat.

I wasn't comfortable with threats.

I eyed the people around me, there were a few men that I could tell belonged to his pack but it was just a few. He was bluffing, storing fear in me so I wouldn't attack him.

It was smooth.

"It's kind of courageous of you to come here and threaten me," I whispered, keeping my voice low so no one around me could hear anything, especially Wayne.

"I'm not here to just threaten you." He smiled.

"What then? Are you going to kill me? Or have you forgotten that I'm the Alpha's mate? You wouldn't be able to dare to lay a finger over me before your head is parted from your body." My small lashes fluttered before I rolled my eyes. "Take your leave, Noah, and take your men along with you. Your Alpha is dead. Good riddance."

His eyes flashed, the black expanded within them and his face turned into a fiery shade of red when I mocked his dead Alpha.

"What?" I cocked my brow at him. "Are you getting angry?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"I'll fucking end you, Clara Hougton and then your mate."

Lowering my gaze, I found his claws extending and his wolf coming to the surface. I wasn't afraid of taking a hit from him but I was afraid of causing a scene and having Wayne down my throat for the next century for ruining his event.

My eyes wandered around the ballroom. There was two exits. One was just in front of me. The doors were wide open and the music was pounding in my ears.


I cleared my throat and said, "Let's see."

I swirled around and raised my leg to strike at him. With enough strength, I pushed straight out of the ballroom and into the parking of the place.

I stood still for a minute, looking around cautiously to make sure no one had seen me yank Noah out of the room. Wayne was occupied with his guests and so was everyone else.

Except for Noah's men.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath as they began approaching me from all corners. Before they could reach me, I started speed-walking out of the ballroom and into the same direction where I had pushed Noah.

"You little bitch." His voice rang in my ears as I stepped out in the cold.

I turned around on my heels and closed the massive door behind me, leaving the party safe. The music silenced, barely any noise from the inside left. Cold wind gushed from all directions and I stepped down from the little staircase outside.

Noah lifted himself off the car, his spine probably in a terrible shape as the bumper of the car had a terrible dent. I couldn't even imagine how he was feeling.

Either way, I was glad this was happening.

"Fight me." I said, my voice now loud and clear.

There were just the two of us outside. His men were locked inside the ballroom as the exiting door was closed. They had to find out the other door to save their Beta.

"You don't possess enough strength to beat me, Clara. You're a" His lips curled as he pushed his leg over a car and spread his claws once more.

Omega. It was the word I despised most.

"What are you?" I stepped forward, "A true Beta—straight from the bloodline?" I asked him while holding in my fury. I didn't want to snap but he was forcing me to. "Wasn't Thomas an Alpha? Well, now he's dead. Such a pity." I began shaking my head while remembering Thomas' dead face.

I hadn't killed him but if I had the chance, I would've, if Wayne hadn't intervened, Thomas' blood would have been on my hands.

I had enough strength to kill an Alpha and his Beta. I could kill Noah, I had killed several of him in the city.

His face turned red with anger before he leapt off the vehicle and to me. Before his claws could sink into my skin, I jerked back and avoided him. It came fast and I wasn't prepared for it. Shock spread over me and my heart raced. What was I doing?

His knees scraped against the rough, cold ground of the parking lot as he kneeled. Raising his head, he grinned, "Afraid enough?"

"I'm not."

"Well, stop running." He jumped at me again, this time getting to me. His claws sunk into my shoulder, ripping an inch of my skin.

My body burned and pain collected around my shoulder before the blood began seeping out of the wound. I screamed a little in pain before tumbling backward while holding the wound.


Noah stood a distance from me, only his all fours, prepared to shift and end me. His eyes were filled with hunger, hunger for my blood. He wanted to kill me for killing his Alpha and I wanted to kill him for hurting me.

I wiped the tears from my eyes furiously as my entire body flared and ached. I gripped my shoulder harder as the wound opened and burned. It had been a long while since I had felt any kind of physical pain and this was the first time.

My breath was loud when I gazed straight into Noah's eyes, staring through his soul while my nostrils flared.

I slipped out of the heels and pressed my barefoot against the cold ground. The heels weren't going to be helpful if I was going to kill me.

With anger lacing in my tone, I whispered, "I'm going to slay you and your entire filthy pack and then we can talk about strength and being an omega."

My hands stretched, reaching to the lower of my dress where I ripped it apart a little for my legs to roam free without them being constricted by a piece of cloth. Once prepared, without a warning, I lunged at Noah and violently attacked him.

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