Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Time passed by slowly. The bleeding stopped momentarily but returned soon. Instead of blood spilling from my nose, it began choking out of my throat and I ran to the bathroom everyone I felt it build up. The sink was flooded with my blood, clots of it. I felt it all drain out of me.

My skin changed colors, it turned into pale and I couldn't recognize myself anymore. Without blood, I felt colder and began shivering soon.

"You cannot cancel the dinner," I spoke with Wayne and he tried his best to change my mind and to tune my thoughts elsewhere. "You have to go."

"I'm not going to go without you. I'll reschedule for another day. And I'm not going to leave you alone." He whispered, pressing his hands against mine. My fingers trembled under his touch and I blew out a sharp, cold breath. "You'll be fine."

"I feel like I'm dying." I buried myself in layers of blankets that were in the house. The cold was unbearable. But surprisingly, after all the blood I had lost, I still didn't feel in any way or form. I was still conscious and my mind continued to reel just as it always did.

"You're not dying. It's just the transformation." He sat by my side and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to his warm body when I felt a tad-bit better than before. His warm touch melted everything inside of me, even the cold. "Soon, your body will require blood and there will be hunger."

"So what if I just get a blood bag?" I turned my neck and asked him, not knowing about this all.

It was surprising. Wayne had been through this already, a year ago and then, he was completely alone, unable to tell what was happening to him. I couldn't even imagine the pain and the stress he had been through. I had him with me, he was right here, telling me everything I needed to know, answering all of my doubts, and specifically taking care of me.

"Yes. That's what we are going to try. Hopefully, you won't have to rip someone's neck." He murmured under his breath and there was a history to his words.

"You killed someone the first time?" I looked into his eyes while chewing on my dry, pale lips.

"I ripped into someone's neck. I didn't know what to do. I thought I was okay and then suddenly, I was roaming around the area, trying to find something and there was a man nearby the house so I grabbed him and nearly killed him." He began to explain to me while his hand hovered over my hair, brushing my tendrils away from my face.

I sucked in a deep breath, knowing he hadn't killed that man.

I stretched my arm and grabbed some water from the side of the table. It was warm and I had a little bit of it till I realized that my throat was still dry, even after drinking water. I cleared my scratchy throat and returned to Wayne's arms.

"I think it's coming..." I whispered slowly. "The hunger."

When I pressed my head against his chest, I heard his heart thumping hard and loud. I could sense the blood in his veins, rushing through his body. It was a strong feeling as if I was actually seeing it pump into his body.

I moved my head over his chest, breathing heavily, "I—I felt it, Wayne."

"I know." He rubbed my arms and then ran circles over my skin as my eyes became heavy and attention grew. He had been with me the entire time, since morning. "I'm going to kill her, Clara." He lowered his mouth to my ears and said.

I didn't flinch at the sound of that nor did my heart jump for a moment. "Please," I begged him to do it—to kill my mother, the woman that had poisoned me. She had reached the greatest low and there was no forgiveness for her.

I was willing to let her live for as long as she was prisoned by us. I didn't want to kill her before but the urge to do it now was strong and nothing was going to stop me if I ever saw her again. She could run as far as she wanted, but I was going to hunt her down and kill her for what she had done to me.

Wayne checked his phone to see if there were any updates. "I should know soon where she had fled off to. There are cameras everywhere and the wolves patrolling at the border will update me as soon as they can to if anyone had seen her leave the town. Once we know where she is, we will take her and kill her without any mercy."

I nodded my head and pressed my mouth shut. I didn't want to say anything. Remembering my mother made me furious and the last thing I wanted was to get angry. It wasn't going to help control myself.

A knock landed on the door and I quickly jumped up straight. My attention diverted and I snapped my head at the door as my heart pounded against my lungs.

"It's probably Nora." Wayne rose from the other side of the bed and walked over to the door to open it.

When he opened the door, I found Nora outside in the hallway. She seemed well, better than the last time I had seen her. Wayne had told her what had happened earlier.

"I bought this," She handed the box over to him and peeked a glance at me. "I hope she's feeling better."

I looked away from her and lowered my eyes. A terrifying thought crossed my mind and it involved tearing Nora into pieces and drinking her blood. I closed my eyes and shut them tight till she closed the door and walked away from the room.

Wayne had told her to not come inside. She was keeping her distance from me as I was turning into a monster and could easily harm her.

I stood up from the bed and paced around the room as he opened the box which contained the blood bags that I needed. Taking in heavy breaths, I tried to fan myself with my hand while my teeth were pressed hard against my lips.

I was losing control.

"Wayne. You have to leave." I quickly said.

He groaned in protest, "No."

"Please. Go. I will hurt you, I know myself!" I turned myself away from him and avoided even glancing at him. The beat of his heart pounded in my ears and the scent of his blood was even stronger. "Please, get out of the room and lock it. I'll be okay. I—I need some time alone before I lose control. Don't fight with me on this. I know myself and I know I'm a fucking monster." My voice raised by itself, laced with spiteful rage.

It was beneath my skin all this time and I had been trying to cover it.

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