Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"A lot of things has changed, Clara. It's a whole new life here." Rose said, walking along with me. We were in the garden at the back of her house and the garden overlooked the town and hills. It was a beautiful sight, reminding me of the time I used to come here to see my own family.

"That's amazing to hear." I walked barefoot and the grass brushed against my toes and my heels. It was cold but I wanted to enjoy before the sun left and it would get dark.

From a distance, I could hear voices, a dozen of them, people talking and giggling, some of them arguing and children jumping around. It was a whole new life, just as Rose said.

"There were a lot of changes made over the year. We couldn't have been any more happier with how we live now. Mom's the happiest, she gets to have me all evening since we all were apparently fired from the packhouse." Rose tucked her hands inside her jacket and her cheeks turned red as she smiled. Something glimmered in her eyes, happiness. "I pick up a few shifts at a restaurant and that's enough to cover any extra costs. Asides from that, we do our diligence in the pack and help whenever it's needed." She continued to explain to me.

I couldn't help but smile at how different it was now, just as I always wanted—peace and equality.

Lowering my eyes, I stared the little insect roaming over my feet, finding it's way around the cold.

When I raised my head, a small ray of sunshine fell over us and over the hills. Finally, the sun peeked through the clouds but it only lasted for a minute.

"What about everything else?" I asked her. "The other omegas? What happened to the packhouse? And what happened to him—the Alpha?"

"The few omegas that worked alongside with your Mom and Uncle were banished. We hadn't heard from them since a year. The packhouse was destroyed. Have you seen the Alpha's new house?" She turned her head around and waited for a response.

I was living in it.

I tried to act surprised. "No, not yet." I shook my head and lied. I was still good at lying and I didn't want anyone around here to know that I was with Wayne, being kept as a captive in his house.

That was for later.

"It's beautiful..." She trailed off. "And as for the Alpha, there isn't much I'm aware about. We all like to keep to ourselves. Only sometimes, we have a few events where we get to see him and the rest of the pack."

I was anticipated to know what everyone thought about Wayne but there wasn't much anyone knew. Nora held most of the knowledge and she had spilled enough to me.

I suppose there was nothing more or was there?

"Did—did he get a—girlfriend or something?" I hesitated while asking that. My brain was clearly buzzed to even bring up that question with someone I had just met after a whole year.


Rose was quiet, stunned a little, her eyes gave it a lot. I quickly took back my question and began pacing faster than her. "Oh, nothing, just forget I asked." I said bluntly, not making another eye-contact with her.

She came up behind me, walking with me, "No, no, it's fine. I was just a little surprised. I thought since you two were mates—you would know that? Wouldn't you?" She was stuttering, confused, just as I was.

"Yes, just leave it." I blinked hard and fast while collecting my breaths. My heart hammered against my chest. I shouldn't have asked that. It was clear that Wayne hadn't been with anyone with the way he was reacting toward me.

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