Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

The man, the guard standing outside the house, dropped dead as I drank every last bit of his blood, leaving him with nothing to leave. Cold air slammed me. His body fell with a thud. I took a step back, placing a hand over my chest and feeling my own heart beat underneath my fingers. The taste of his blood remained in my mouth. It awakened me. His blood rushed down my throat and pumped through my body, strengthing me more.

I wiped the corners of my mouth and smiled, holding no such thing as guilt inside me.

My senses were heightened along with everything else. I could smell anyone nearby, I could hear people breathing from afar and I could taste their blood in my mouth as I sucked them dry.

I didn't stop.

I moved along, scurrying through the house without making a single noise. Sniffing the air, I searched for my next victim and while I couldn't hear him talking, I could hear him breathing outside the gates while guarding them.

Wayne should've really thought hard before having his men around me.

I unlocked the gate from inside and peeked out. There were two men, standing on either side of the gate and when one of them noticed me, he turned around and began approaching me.

They weren't informed of what I had become. Truly no one was.

"Anything I can help you with, Ms. Clara?" He asked, his hands behind his back and his shoulders stiff as he stood a couple of inches away from me.

"Yes. Could you please come inside? I think something happened to the other guard that was in the backyard." I whispered, fluttering my lashes while my face tensed up. "And Wayne wouldn't wake up. He just slept." I continued, lying—just what I had always done.

The man nodded and stepped in. He walked behind me quietly and slowly as I headed back to the body that laid dead in the backyard. Scratching the back of my head, I acted a bit anxious and scared till we reached the body.

It was dark but the street lights shone over the guard that was dead. He face was against the ground, his hands splayed and there was no sound of breathing.

The guard that came along with heaved in a breath before kneeling and checking the other dead guard's pulse. There wasn't any. He spent a few seconds struggling to wake him up.

My canines brushed against my lower lip and without wasting another minute, I attacked him. I drove my teeth into the back of his neck while pushing him down to the ground and restraining him there. He screamed and thrashed his arms as his blood swooped into my mouth and down my throat. His breathing came unevenly. The struggles stopped soon and his pulse disappeared as well.

In just a couple of minutes, he was dead along with the other dead guard. I tore my teeth away from his throat and ravished the last few drops of his blood in my mouth while feeling stronger than ever. New energy pulsated through my veins and I grinned wickedly at myself.

The other guard that was standing outside had followed us in and he screamed when I turned my head around.

"Shoot." I groaned and stood up.

The guard continued to scream at the top of his lungs while horror struck his face like never. He sprinted around the backyard and I followed him. While my hunger was fulfilled to the brim, I didn't mind having more blood.

I chased him across the backyard and shoved him to the ground. He tried to fight back with me, throwing his claws over me and sinking them into my arms but it didn't matter. With fresh blood running in my veins, I was strong—stronger than ever. I couldn't be defeated. I couldn't be harmed.

A cascade of screams tore from his mouth as I finally overpowered him, the last remaining guard in the house.

"Clara!" A voice snapped behind me.

The hair over my skin rose when I realized it was Wayne, wide awake from the screams. He rushed out of the window, and came toward me.

Before I knew it, his hand was around my arm, grabbing me away from the guard.

"No." I zoomed away from him, returning to my next meal. Getting blocked only furthered my hunger. I wanted the guard's blood and I didn't care anymore.

"Stop it." Wayne yelled, holding me away from the guard. "Stop fucking killing everyone." I caught a glimpse of his face. My breathing quickened. His eyes were red as an Alpha's. Anger and fury covered every inch of his face. There was no forgiveness for what I had done.

Maybe I didn't want it anymore.

He pushed me against the ground and I fell, hitting my head. My hands moved across the long grass and I rose up straight only after a moment. "Let me have him." I spat out. My brows collected, wrinkles appeared on my forehead and I fisted my hands.

"No." His eyes bulged. I hadn't seen him that angry.

I rose my head, staring at him from below, "Yes. You cannot control me and you'll never will. Let me fucking do what I want to do." When I glanced over at the guard who was alive, he had begun just sprinting away from the backyard while the other two guards were dead.

"You're going to do what I want you to fucking do," Wayne crouched over me, his voice rough. He grabbed me by my throat and I clawed his arm while trying to free myself.

I smiled at him while my mouth hung open, "Never. Not even in your fucking dreams. Keep stopping me. I'll fucking kill everyone you ever know." I threatened him while a weird grin fixated on my mouth. "It's over," I laughed, throwing my head back. "I hold the same strength as you and I have the same power. You cannot stop me, Wayne and neither can anyone else."

I moved his hand from my throat, giving my self a moment of breath before I snapped back at him with a fist. He dodged it instantly, and grabbed my wrist, twisting it around. Pain shot up my arm. A scream left my throat. My eyes burned and I fell to the ground.

His eyes were filled with blood, for my blood.

I swung my leg at him, hoping it would force him down to the ground but instead, he grabbed my leg as well, slamming me on my stomach and onto the ground while my hands were at my back, forced in his hold.

"You're wrong," He whispered in my ears, his body weight above mine, overpowering me. I barely moved an inch under him. "I'm still your Alpha. You'll never have enough strength as I do because your wolf will always submit to mine." He twisted my arm more, forcing a scream out of my throat.

Tears wetted my cheeks as the pain in my right arm became unbearable. "You're hurting me, Wayne." I cried out, hoping for sympathy.

"Shut up. Even if I break every bone in your body, you'll heal." He mumbled before grabbing me and forcing me up straight.

His hand remained wrapped around my hair while the other one was holding my broken arm. He pushed forward, making me walk across the backyard and back into the house—or where I thought we were heading.

"I thought I could make it work. I really thought something or the other would force you to not think about the blood and the killing. But nothing helped," He sounded disappointed.

He pushed me harder, forcing me to walk quickly as I limped my way. My thoughts came to me slowly while pain erupted between my eyes. We walked past the house, going to the cellar.

I laughed when I realized where he was taking me, "Really? That's going to help." I crooked my neck to glance at his face.

He gave me another rough push, making me look straight as we went down the stairs and into the cellar.

"Yes," He stopped for a moment till we reached into the same cellar where my mother was kept. He pushed me inside and I fell to the ground instantly while he took the opportunity and locked up the room. "Enjoy being inside. I hope it reminds you of your mother. After all, you're just like her—like mother like daughter."

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