Chapter 2

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I think I had cried for exactly six months before wiping my own tears and setting my focus on something else. There wasn't a single day I hadn't thought about my unborn child that was viciously murdered by someone who had a grudge against me. I blamed myself, most of the time and continued to do so.

If I was only a bit more cautious...

In the middle of the morning, my phone began ringing and buzzing. I thrashed over the bed, my eyes still closed and a pain sweeping through my head. My hand stretched and reached for the phone. I wanted to silence and cut the call, but a glimpse of the unknown number at the caller ID tore the sleep right through me and forced me up.

I picked up the call and heard heavy breathing on the other end for a few seconds before the man spoke up. "They are onto you." He said, giving me a warning. "Be careful."

I didn't say anything. A few more seconds passed before the call ended. I pulled the phone away from my ears. My heart thudded hard against my chest.

Fuck. I groaned at myself while rubbing my forehead, hoping the throbbing would leave me for a minute.

They were onto me. They being the Alpha and his wolves that lived in the city. The city was under the ruling of an old, nasty Alpha who had allowed his wolves to do anything as they wished. When I first came here, it was disgusting the way higher ranked wolves treated other.

It was a chaos until I began wiping a few of them, killing, torturing, burying and the list went on. I couldn't bear the sight of violent people that misused their powers, and I couldn't stop myself. I tried leaving but every time I did, I found a way back to the city and my own hands covered in someone's blood.

Even after all that, I didn't feel guilty. I felt like I had done nothing wrong, only right by wiping those that bring violence and harm to other people.

But they were onto me now.

Did I care?

A voice ran in my head before I set the phone aside and pulled the comforter over my body. I surely didn't care about anyone catching me and even if they did, I had learned to fight my way out of any trouble.

I was stronger than before, more powerful, and vigilant.

No one could stop me.

Once again, I was forced awaken, by the bell. My eyes hurried over the clock where I found it to be three in the afternoon. I had given myself enough sleep to last another long day.

"Good morning, Lara." Kristen started, her arm hanging at the edge of the door as I opened it up. Her eyes were swollen, teeth crooked and discoloration all over her face from the drug she had been repeatedly taking all her life. I could tell the drugs she had taken from last night were still not washed away from her body. "I need your help." She continued.

I had told Kristen thousand times what my name was, yet she continued to call me Lara.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "Sure. Tell me."

"Jerry had a soccer game. I can't take him, of course," She waved her hand over her face. "Could you take him? He's dying to go, and I don't want him to go alone."

I didn't need to give a thought. Jerry was the sweetest little boy I had ever seen, and I couldn't say no to him, ever.

"I'll get dressed and then I'll take him." I replied to her.

Kristen was my right-door neighbor. When I came here first, she was a lot soberer than now. Every month, she would quit taking drugs and every month she would find a new drug to ruin her body and health with. She had tried almost everything, therapy, rehab and even after all that, she couldn't stop. She had a serious addiction, but it harmed no one apart from her.

She was a good mother regardless and I always found Jerry happy living with her.

Things people do for love.

"Oh, thank you, Lara. I could hug you right now—"

"No, no, it's fine," I backed away from the door and laughed. "I should get going and you take care of yourself." I waved my hand at Kristen before closing the door and returning to my bedroom.

Jerry reminded me of what I would have had if Brian didn't kill my child out of his rage. I always continued to wonder how different things would have been. I would've had my child in my arms by now and it would be turning a few months old. I wouldn't have to flee north and my mate.

Before my mind could run wild, I turned and grabbed the book off my desk. There were a hundred names written in there, names of those wolves that had done wrong—raped, killed, tormented innocent souls, betrayed and harassed.

I couldn't set the world right.

I didn't want to.

I just wanted to cover my hands with blood and fulfill the new hunger inside me. Fighting with other wolves—specifically strong male warriors bought me great strength and I wanted to become powerful so someone like Brian could never harm me.

I placed the book of names back under the desk before getting ready and leaving with Jerry. Hand in hand, I took him out of the building and buckled him inside my car. The entire ride to the park, he ranted about soccer and how one day he was going to be a great player.

When we reached the park, I stepped out of the car and got Jerry as well. He quickly began hesitating and suddenly all that courage was down the bin.

"What's wrong?" I asked, kneeling at his level. "You don't want to play?"

His eyes, filled with fear as he shook his head, "I don't think so I want to play anymore." He said, stuttering.


He didn't answer. I followed where his gaze was and found another little boy at the park with the rest of the team. He was kicking the ball and laughing with a few other children.

"You don't like him?" I turned my attention back to Jerry who continued to have dread in his eyes.

"No." He pouted.

"Why is that?"

"He's just—very scary. He pokes a lot of us and throws the ball very high. I thought he wasn't going to be here today because at the last match, he broke his toe but he's here now. I don't want to be here." Jerry explained, still stammering on his eyes as he tried to speak.

I quickly made sense of everything. Looking over my shoulders, I found the little boy who was kicking the ball at other boys. I squinted my eyes at the direct sunlight flashing over us all and for a minute, I saw Brian in the boy.

Brian couldn't stop tormenting others, he was a manic with terrifying anger issues and a spoiled brat that could get anything he wanted because of his parents.

I breathed heavily. An ache rose in my chest, and I lowered my eyes to the grass as tears began welling in my eyes. I could've stopped him long ago, I could've killed him all those months ago and he could've never harmed me or my child. I should've defended myself, but I was too weak, too frail to fight against him.

"What happened?" Jerry asked, tapping my head.

"Nothing," I shook my head and pushed aside those terrible memories. "Nothing at all and you should go play. Don't stop yourself because of others. You're strong and if he pokes you, poke him back and if he kicks you, kick him back. Don't take shi—anything from anyone." I told him.

His lips curled into a smile and his eyes lightened before he ran to the field and met with his friends. I stood up from the ground and watched Jerry for a few minutes before walking out of the park and heading back to my car to grab a few things.

As soon as I opened the door to the passenger seat, a van pulled up to the side and before I knew it, something was placed over my face and head.

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