Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Something had changed.

"I don't care. It's not that fucking late to get it out. What the fuck do you have a degree for? Don't you do this all the time?" A voice roared in my head, Wayne's voice. It was full of tension and worry.

I peeled my eyes open and stared at the window in front of me. It showed the backyard of the house. From there, I understood I was in Wayne's bedroom. Everything came to me in a rush and sweat collected around my forehead before my pulse quickened and I rose up from the bed.

"It's already too late—" The man in the white suit, the doctor, stopped speaking when his eyes fell upon me.

Wayne spun around and saw me, "Clara." He called out my name and rushed me in such a hurry I had never seen before. "Are you okay?" He asked, curling his hands around mine.

"No," I shook my head as I became furthermore aware of what had happened. "She poisoned. Oh," I breathed out. "Wayne, she—she poisoned me." My eyes teared and I lost control of myself entirely.

"It's okay. You'll be okay." He wrapped his arm around my head and pulled me to his chest.

"No, no, she—I'm going to kill everyone."

"No, you won't." He shook his head.

I parted myself away from him and pulled the covers off my body before standing up from the bed and rushing to the washroom. As soon as I reached the sink, I took in a heavy breath before forcing my fingers down my throat to remove the poison that my mother had given me.

"Clara, that's not going to work." He grabbed my arms, pulling me away from trying to forcibly throw up. "It's already inside you."

"No." Warm tears flooded down my cheeks. "I can remove it. I know, it's not too late." I turned back to the sink and for a second, I caught a glimpse of my reflection. The skin surrounding my eyes as veiny and as dark as it could get. It seemed like a bruise at first but when I touched my skin, I felt no pain.

"It's been two hours, Clara, since you were passed out. I think it's in your blood now..." Wayne trailed off, horror in his voice.

I ran a finger underneath my eyes, confused and shocked, "What's happening to me?" I asked him. My pulse spiked and my head grew hot as fury rushed through my veins. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know what had happened.

I was lost.

"It starts out like that. You began to lose blood and then the poison takes effect in your body, forcing it to need blood. It doesn't matter whose it is. The hunger comes quick and it engulfs you. You can't think about anything except for blood, which your body will need soon." He explained to me while still holding my one hand.

I continued to stare at my reflection for another long minute. The veins under my eyes throbbed and I could see them pulsating with every second passing by. When I lowered my glance at my nose, blood seeped out and covered the sink that I stood nearby. I placed my hand over my nose, stopping the blood from spreading but it didn't stop. It dripped down my fingers and left a trail over my arms.

Though, I didn't feel any pain.

I grabbed the tissue paper from the side of the counter and pressed it up against my nose but nothing helped with the bleeding. My blood spilled out like water. Never-ending. My chest beat faster but the flow from my nose was quicker. Unstoppable. I thrashed tissue paper soaked in blood left and right, filling up the bathroom with them soon.

"It's not stopping. Why is it not stopping?" I snapped, grabbing a handful more tissue papers.

Sweat covered every inch of my skin. I was panicking and terrified of the monster I was becoming. I wasn't scared of being weak but I was scared of turning into someone who would desire something as strong as someone's blood. I watched Wayne struggle, and it was hard and I doubted I could do that.

Wayne replied quickly, hiding his own emotions, "It's just going to be like that for a while." He placed his arm over my shoulder. "Come, lay down. Resting will help."

"No," I spat out. "I don't want to become a monster." I moved back while crying out. I never wished it upon anyone else, and I didn't want it. "Please..."

"And you will not. You can control it. This is just the beginning. You'll not have any urges for now, Clara. Look at me and trust me. Everything will be okay." He grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at him. Behind all the sincerity, I could see the fear—the fear he was holding back, the fear of watching me become my worst self.

He knew it.

I knew it.

I swallowed down hard and nodded before stepping out of the room with him. By the time I came out of the bathroom, the doctor was gone and the door was left wide open. There wasn't much the doctor could do either. I suppose Wayne assumed that he could have the poison removed from my stomach but it was already too late for that.

"Lay down here." He pulled away from the covers from the bed and I laid in the corner.

My heart raced wildly as I pressed another tissue paper against my nose, cleaning it as the blood continued to spill out. My body trembled a little.

"Where is Nora? Is she okay?" I asked him, changing my thoughts for a second.

"She's fine. The doctor went to check on her."

"Is she poisoned?"

He shook his head, "No. Just knocked out. There was a small injury at the back of the head but nothing serious. She woke up a while ago but is on bed rest." He explained to me.

I nodded my head, "Are—are they gone?" I stuttered a little on my words while remembering the last few minutes before I passed out.

After my own mother had shoved poison down my throat, I only stayed conscious for a few blurry minutes and in that time, I heard my mother ranting while Hawk was preparing to leave the house from the back exit as the front side of the house was covered with guards. They showed mercy in those ten minutes.

"Yes. They left from the backyard. I came here by an hour later and when I was here, they were already gone. I'm so sorry, Clara. I shouldn't have left you alone. I should've been here. Fuck." He cursed and grunted in frustration. "I shouldn't even have kept her here."

"No," I took in a sharp breath. "It's not your fault." The last thing I wanted was to blame him.

I pressed my head back against the headboard of the bed while my chest rose and dropped. I tried to not over-think, I tried to forget it but I couldn't. The worst part was the betrayal, the fact that my own family had poisoned me.

How could my mother do that? How could Hawk do that?

A tear slipped from my eyes, falling over my hands. Wayne sat near me, on the bed, holding my free hand. "Are you scared?"

"I am, Wayne. I'm terrified. I don't want any of this." I shook my head repeatedly. "I don't want to crave blood, I don't want to become a monster and before you say I won't—you and I both know that I will become one." I reminded him as my voice turned cold. The air quickly turned into ice and froze between us.

"I don't care if you become one or not. I'm here with you and you're not alone in this. I'll teach you control and everything else. You will be okay. Trust me." He cupped my face and said.

For a moment, I believed in his words and then I remembered the lengths I had gone to already, the people I had killed out of the anger, the lives I had ruined and the chaos I had caused.

There was nothing such as control for me.

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