Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Welcome home." Wayne announced while stepping inside with me. He seemed a lot more happier than the last time I had seen him. Was it me? Was this what he wanted?

"This is not my home." I cleared my throat without looking anywhere. It was all too much to take in.

"It is your home, Clara." He took a few steps toward me while I stood stiff on the main hall. "This is where you're going to live. It's yours." He continued, his smile only growing wider.

"This will never be mine."

His lips lined straight, "I just saved you, be thankful." He taunted, reminding me of the hero he had become.

I rolled my eyes at him and groaned, "I didn't want to be saved. You know why you came there, don't act as if everything you did was for me." I spat out before talking the three little steps down into the stairs. I headed toward the fireplace, giving myself some warmth while Wayne continued to hover around me.

He was confused with what I had said. "What do you mean by that?"

I turned around, "You waited for this day to come. It's almost like you wanted something terrible to happen to me so I could fall on you for help." I explained. It sounded just the perfect plan to get someone back.

I wouldn't have ever returned on my own—not anytime soon at least. If it weren't for Thomas capturing me and calling Wayne, none of this would've ever happened.

"You're out of your mind, Clara." He took a few large steps toward me. "I had to pay a great price to that bastard—who's dead now, to simply get you back and I killed you for him. If anyone had seen us there, it would mean a war would be brewing in the following months." He yelled, his eyes bulging in frustration while his tone was crisp, wanting to be heard.

I took my hands off the fire. After all, I had been warmed up enough.

A price. I wasn't aware Wayne had to give something to Thomas in order to get me back. I thought he was simply freeing me to my mate because he was from a greater pack and didn't want the trouble of keeping me around anymore.

I suppose I was wronged.

"I didn't tell you to kill Thomas." I said, my voice echoing in the house.

Wayne closed his eyes for a minute, breathed in before opening them and gazing at me. "You're right. You didn't tell me to do anything. I did on my own good will and I hope I won't have to regret it," He spoke while walking toward the small staircase leading to the second portion of the house. "Make yourself comfortable. Goodnight." He muttered before fading into the dark hallway.

It happened all of a sudden. One minute I was talking to him and the other minute, he was gone and there was only silence in the house.

A nervous bile grew in my throat, I tried swallowing it but it didn't help. My heart beat raced at the thought of being completely alone in this new house. I was living comfortably in the city, in my little apartment until Wayne had to come, be my savior and scoop me up from the danger I was in.

What was I going to do now?

I was left completely alone, once again with nothing to live on for.

"Clara." A gentle voice, belonging to a woman whispered across the house. I turned my head around, panicking a little.

My lips parted in surprise before a smile formed over them, "Nora!" A ball of happiness formed in my chest before I rushed toward her and wrapped my arms around her elderly body. "Oh my God. I can't believe it's you." I took in her scent, her scent that reminded me of everything but for the first time, I didn't think about anything wrong.

"I have missed you." She said, rubbing her hand over my back. "It's been a very long time without you, Clara."

I shut my eyes tightly to avoid the tears from spilling. Pulling myself away from her, I gave my cheeks a quick wipe before opening them and looking at the woman in front of me.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry. But how are you doing? How is everything? I never thought I would be seeing you again." I held her hand in mine and spilled everything that was in my throat. "I've thought about you so many times while I was away and—" It was overwhelming. The tears were inching my eyes, I needed to stop. "I don't know. Seeing you here is a surprise."

She smiled at me while nodding her head, "I know, darling. I'm doing good, better than ever. How are you?"

"I'm okay." I gave my head a shake. "How's everything around here? I'm terrified of staying here, Nora, I'm so scared that I can't even tell you. I know Wayne bought me here because he thinks it's the right place for me but I don't want to be here." I quickly said, my words spilling here and there.

"It's okay," She rubbed my arms, soothing and comforting me. "Nothing is going to happen to you. You're safe here. Leave the past, in the past. The longer you think about it, the worst you'll get."

I nodded my head and agreed with her. The more I thought about the past events, the worst it was going to get for me. I needed to push aside the memories for now—at least for a couple days before I could make my plan to runaway and leave.

"You're right." I took a deep breath.

"Do you want to eat something? I put together something if you wish." She offered, her voice warm and sweet as always.

I shook my head, "No, no, thank you. I must've disturbed your sleep."

"Oh, no, of course not!" She exclaimed while waving her hand over my shoulders. "I'm happy to see you here again. It has been a long time."

"It has." I agreed with her.

There were many instances where I had thought about Nora and what she had been doing. We were great together. She took care of me as if I were her own daughter, she fend me, protected me, fed me and kept me well during the entire time I lived in the pack house. Among everyone, she was the only one that treated me well.

"Well," She cleared her throat, "You should get some sleep. You look tired. I've prepared a bed for you upstairs along with everything you need. I hope you will have a good time here." She continued.

"Thank you. I will certainly."

Before the lights went out, Nora guided me around the house and took me upstairs to my room. She showed me where all the things were along with where Wayne was currently sleeping. His bedroom was a few doors away from mine.

I was unbothered about him.

He had attitude I didn't want to deal with—not now.

"You're things are still here. If you'd like anything new, you can tell me early in the morning and I'll send someone to get it." Nora said while taking me into the closet and showing me the clothes—the same clothes I had worn one year ago.

Everything I left here was still here, in perfect condition. It was untouched. All my books, my jewelry, my favorite dresses and shirts, my shoes and even the little soft toys I had since I was a child.

It was all in place.

He hadn't moved anything nor thrown anything out.

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