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I got up 4 o'clock in the morning I felt as if I was going to vomit. Running into the bathroom I sat over the toilet throwing up over and over again. Mom must've heard me because she came in the bathroom, "Baby are you okay."I didn't want her to see me like this.

"I'm fine mom", I said wiping my mouth. Rushing to my side she pulled my hair out of my face. "Michelle your not fine", I felt like I was going to throw up again I turned around into the toilet and vomited some more. I felt sick to my stomach why was I vomiting so much it had to be me eating all those cupcakes at Courtney's house.

Mom left then came back in the bathroom handing me some pills and a glass of water. She sat on the floor next to me and rub my back. "Michelle I know your not fine", I sat there on the floor my head in her lap silent.

"Michelle are you pregnant?", I sat up and looked at her confused. "No mom what..why..No! That's impossible." She stared, "I'm just asking no one vomits like that unless they're drunk or pregnant and you're clearly not drunk"

I sat there thinking could I be pregnant. I haven't been with anyone but Steven and that's been weeks ago. Jumping up off the bathroom floor I ran in my room checking my calendar. I was late my period was late. How could I've not notice before.

Pacing back in fourth in my room I ran my hands through my hair. How could this happen we used protection every time. I don't understand mom came in my room, "Michelle did you and Steven have sex" her voice was stern yet desperate.

I stopped pacing looking at her I could already see the disappointment on her face. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I fell on the floor and started crying,"Michelle Jalisa Davis tell me right now did you and Steven have sex" she yelled. "Yes we did mom!!" She started yelling even louder, "Oh god your sixteen Michelle what the hell where you thinking."

I sat on the floor pulling my legs to my chest, "My periods late mom" my voice cracked. She didn't say anything I looked up at her tears rolled down her cheeks. She left closing the door and went back into her room. I sat there on the floor crying thinking what am I going to do.

I'm freaking sixteen I can't have a baby not this young. I called Courtney praying she would answer the phone. She answered the phone her voice sound agitated, "Hello it's four in the morning what's wrong."

I sobbed into the phone,"Court I need you to come to my house right now it's an emergency." I heard shuffling on the phone and keys giggling, "I'll be there in five Chelle." Waiting for her to come felt like hours I was really freaking out. Steven a father me a mother were both sixteen that's like a baby raising a baby.

Courtney knocked on the door I ran to open it. She was wearing her pajamas I looked out the door she drove her moms car. Walking into my room she sat on the bed I closed the door. Sitting on the bed in front of her,"Okay what's the emergency" she said rubbing her eyes stifling a yawn.

I sat there for a moment hesitating wether to tell her or not. She sat there looking at me,"Chelle you know you can tell me anything that's what best friends are for scratch that your my sister you can tell me anything."

"I'm pregnant Court" she looked at me her eyes wide. "You have to be kidding girl stop playing are you serious Michelle." Looking down I couldn't even look at my best friend I knew she was going to be disappointed in me.

"Michelle I'm very disappointed in you but as your best friend it's my job to have you back and not scorn you for making a mistake plenty people have made no matter how freaking huge. No one is perfect we all make mistakes it's how we handle them is what matters."

I smiled a little,"Thanks Court I love you." Sitting up straight she said,"When did you find out." I told her about me being nauseous over the last couple of days and me having to pee a lot. Also about how I was throwing up an hour ago. Sitting there thinking she didn't say anything at first,"Is Steven the father of the baby."

I nodded,"He's the only person I've been with in my whole entire life he was my first." Scratching her head she said,"Okay are you sure y'all used protection every time." I thought for a second then it hit me, "No the last time we had sex we didn't use protection I remember because it was so good."

Shaking her head she scowled at me, ,"What in the hell are you going to do are you going to tell him." I jumped up,"No not until I get a pregnancy test then I'll know for sure." Agreeing with me she said, "Does your mom know about you being possibly pregnant from Steven."

As much as I know I hurt and disappointed I nodded slowly, "Yeah she knows", I explained the whole thing that happened with mom to Courtney. She kept asking questions like how am I going to tell Steven. Am I'm going to keep the baby. Will I drop out of high school.

Courtney left after awhile she had to go back home she said she'll be back later tomorrow. I couldn't sleep I was afraid of what the future had in store for me. I never thought I would get pregnant at sixteen and the person I'm pregnant from we aren't even together anymore.

How was this going to work I can't raise a child I don't even wash my own clothes. Rubbing my now flat stomach I thought what am I going to do I've never been so scared before in my life.

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