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Michelle's been on my mind all day at work and it's been hard for me to focus. The only time I would is when that whore would be all up in my face. I told her several times I wasn't interested and had a girl at home but that only made her come on stronger.

Last week she stripped down in front of me on purpose in the locker room when we was alone. I told my homie Jerome about it but he didn't take me seriously. The girl was a big thot and couldn't take no for an answer.

I know if I told Michelle that would raise some red flags in her eyes but I wasn't cheating and wasn't trying too. I had a family I cared about way to much to lose for some stupid girl.

My phone buzzed in my pocket I took off my construction shades walking to the locker room,"Wassup Chelle baby." The sound of her voice made my entire day,"Hey baby I just dropped Aliyah off at your parents and forgot to tell you that you gotta pick her up today because I work late."

"Yeah that's cool I got it, What time you getting home tonight?"

"Nine thirty why?"

I know she be tired after work so I wanted to do something special for her,"Um... I just wanted to know how long I'm go be alone with Aliyah but Alright."

"Okay bye baby" she whispered into the phone. I chuckled,"Bye sweet heart." I hung up the phone laughing to myself she was probably sneaking in trying to hide from her boss.

"Ah hm" I heard somebody clear their throat from behind me I turned around,"Steven who were you on the phone with?" I rolled my eyes at the nosey thot standing in front of me with her nose tooted up,"None of your business."

"Aliyah's your precious little girl huh?", I walked around her she grabbed my arm,"Steven why you be playing you know you want this!" I looked at her liked she'd lost her mind snatching my arm away from her,"No! I don't your a whore respect yourself and go find somebody who wants you."

With that I left walking back to my worksite. The whole day she just stared at me I tried to ignore that annoying creepy ass little girl but she'd always find a way to pop up. Finally my shift ended and I said bye to guys walking to my car. I hit the road going to pick up Aliyah.

Getting out the car I walked up the driveway to my surprise my mom car was gone. She's never left Aliyah alone with dad before. I unlocked the door walking into the house,"Dad."

"In the den and stop yelling Liyah's asleep in the room." I shook my head walking down the hall. Aliyah was asleep in her crib next to my bed with the baby monitor on next to her. I leaned down kissing her forehead God was she precious.

I went into the other room changing out of my work clothes before joining dad in the living room. I plopped down on the couch next to him,"Where's mom?" He shrugged taking a sip of his beer,"She's been running "errands" all day."

This was strange dad was tripping but wasn't tripping and mom was just gone. "Well work today was tiring and I'm going to take a nap." I got up to leave,"Change your daughters diaper I think she needs it changed."

I glared at him from the corner of my eye he continued to watch the game. Picking Aliyah up I checked her diaper,"All clean." I sat her back in her crib she was half asleep anyway.

I turned of the TV until I started to drift off. Aliyah started cry so I got up changing her diaper giving her a bottle. After feeding and burping her I laid her next to me on her baby blanket. She tried to sit up kicking her legs attempting to crawl. I recorded it sending it too Michelle she replied back ,"Aw look at my baby I miss her."

After an hour she got tired and went back to sleep I laid her on my chest patting her back. She was so small she could fit almost anywhere. I dozed off for a minute then I heard the doorbell ring. Checking the time it was nine forty five. I put Aliyah in her crib rushing to answer the door.

Michelle was standing there looking pissed,"I thought you were going to bring her home." Michelle brushed pass me walking down the hall. I rubbed my eyes yawning,"We fell asleep." Michelle narrowed her eyes at me,"Shut up! YOU fell asleep I waited for you, called and texted."

I didn't like seeing her mad but it was so damn sexy. I rubbed my neck staring at her she looked so fine in that work uniform. Michelle waved her hands in my face,"Stop checking me out dummy!"

I grabbed her pulling her close to me she shut up staring at me,"Stop doing all that you know when you mad it only turns me on."

Her cheeks flushed and she bit her lip backing away,"I'm just tired I'm sorry." Now she done switched up moods on me. "Don't apologize it's my fault", I kissed her on the forehead.

She closed her eyes sighing I backed her up against the bed. Placing my hands on her lower back sliding down to her fat ass in them leggings squeezing it. "Stop it!" She pulled my hands away.

"Why?" I whined. She glared at me giving me the boy don't you play with me look. I grinned,"Okay let me kiss you for two minutes that's all." She rolled her eyes,"No! I gotta go home I'm tired."

"Please" I begged. I know why she playing hard to get its because she didn't want to repeat the same mistake we did before,"It's not like I can get you pregnant again by kissing you."

She sighed rolling her eyes at me,"I hate you!" I smiled against her lips,"You fucking love me Michelle." She laughed for the first time god I missed her laugh,"Your so stupid."

I kissed her as much as she would let me. I didn't bother counting the seconds but her hands around my neck body pressed against mine felt like heaven and hell. She pulled away too soon causing me to frown. She laughed,"A little longer and you wouldn't be able to control yourself."

"I could have now we'll never know now will we." I put my hands on her waist burying my face into the crook of her neck. I kissed lightly at first she started pushing me away,"Stop ittttt!"

I kissed and sucked harder on her neck,"Shit this hurts more than I remember" she moaned. I cupped her ass in my hands squeezing it again,"Your gonna give me a damn hickey I sh-"

She squeezed her thighs together I unbuttoned the first five buttons of her shirt trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone. I was going to break her a few more long nights like this and she was all mine.

I let her go placing another tender kiss upon her forehead,"You still tired." She shook her head her eyes closed arms wrapped halfway around my back,"Nope" she mumbled. I chuckled inwardly,"Good."

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