I can't

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The pounding of the rain on the window woke me up. I got up out the bed walking to his closet grabbing a thick grey hoodie pulling it over my head. There was no sign of Steven anywhere I had to leave I had to go home this wasn't right.

Opening the door I creeped into the hallway I heard voices towards the living room and front door. I tip toed down the hall in the opposite direction standing to the back door. The rain was pouring down so hard it was hard to see where I was going.

Pulling the hood of the hoodie over my head I started to run. Running as fast as my feet could carry me down the street. I made it too the corner the rain soaking my pants and shoes. Cars passed by I heard my name being called turning around it was Braxton in traffic.

I ran towards his car he unlocked the door I got in. He turned up the heater in the car. "What are you doing running in this storm Michelle are you okay", he said scanning my wet clothes. I was shivering, wet and didn't feel like talking. "Can you take me home", he nodded.

"I tried texting and calling you I found your purse on the ground. I heard about the fight between April and Courtney I went looking for you after school but I couldn't find you." I stared out the window listening to the sound of his voice the concern it held.

Looking over at him I said, "I'm sorry things are changing and I'm confused I need time to figure things out." He didn't say anything else pulling up outside my house he cut off the car,"Thank you Braxton so much for everything" I said before exiting the car.

I ran on the porch watching him as he pulled out the driveway and sped down the road until he was out of sight. Opening the door I stripped out the wet hoodie I was wearing and threw it on the floor. Mom heard me and rushed into the living room pulling me into a tight hug, "Michelle you had me so worried. I called everyone and they said they didn't know where you were. I was just so worried about you."

She pulled away looking down at the wet clothes I was in, "Go take those wet clothes off before you catch phenomenon we can talk."Going into my room I stepped out the wet clothes and into some dry ones. Walking into the kitchen mom was making hot chocolate. Sitting the warm mug in front of me as she sat down, "Okay Michelle tell me where you were."

Picking up the warm mug I stared at the little marshmallows melting into the coco. She cleared her throat I everted my attention back to her,"Umm a lot happened I told Steven about the baby. Courtney got into a fight with April Steven's new girlfriend. Steven made me stay with him last night. My car is still at school and there still are some unanswered question that need to be answered."

I thought about everything that happened at Steven's house it was weird things didn't add up. Mom put her hand over mine, "Baby girl you need to ask yourself...Do you want Steven to be in the baby's life?" I do it's not right for a child to grow up without both their parents. I can't do that to my baby its not right. If he wants to be in the baby's life he can. I mean I want him to be I don't know.

"I don't know mom things are different now and he is the father of my child. I can't not let him be in the baby's life. I think he wants to be he tried to kiss me but I told him things weren't right for us right now." She sighed, "Well I have to go pick up someone's car that they left at school I'll be back."

She got up and left I went back to my room to think. My phone started ringing, it was Courtney. I answered it, "Wassup Court." She said quickly into the phone, "I have to talk to you come over right now. I've been calling your phone all day."

"I can't my car is at school and my mom went to go pick it up."

"I'm coming over there I'll be there in five" She hung up the phone before I could say anything. After ten minutes of staring at the ceiling the door bell rung. Getting up to answer the door it was Courtney.

She ran in the house out of breath. I closed the door behind her she was panting. "Are you okay?" I said staring at her. She sat down on the couch and let out a big sigh. "I ran all the way here but girl I have so much to tell you", her eyes were wide.

I sat on the couch next to her waiting for her catch her breath. "You remember yesterday right" she said quickly. I nodded,"Yea..why did you and April get into a fight." She put her hand up,"I'm going to get to that part okay..so I was looking for you after class and I heard April and some girls talking shit about you."

Cutting her off,"Why would they be talking shit about me." Throwing a pillow at me she said,"Stop interrupting I'm going to get to that part." Waiting patiently for her to continue I sat there quiet. She continued with what she was saying, "I overheard April telling her friends that she was going to fight you when she saw you. Now knowing that I'm a crazy bitch I went over there and told her she's not going to do shit. I wasn't going to let her think she was go try to fight my best friend without me popping off about it. She started cursing and yelling and drawing a crowd. I go even louder and started getting in her face. I got tired of her talking shit so I slapped her. Next thing I know she grabbed my hair and started swinging. Out of nowhere you came and snatched that hoe by her weave. She pushed you I got mad and started going wham on that trick." Courtney was doing all kinds of hand motion and cursing I cut her off again, ,"Did she ever say why she wanted to fight me."

Courtney shook her head, "No but Chelle girl I got your back and that's all I know." We laughed I hugged her super tight. "Your my the real MVP Courtney" I said. Then a worried look came over her face, "Did you tell Steven about the baby." I looked at her confused, "Yeaa..whyy."

Before she could say anything the door bell started ringing. I got up and answered the door. It was Steven I froze he looked at me his face red I could tell he was mad. He walked passed me inside the house I closed the door behind him.

He looked between Courtney and I then back to me, "Why did you leave without telling me Michelle." Courtney got up and stood beside me, "She doesn't have to tell you anything." He looked at Courtney with hate in his eyes, "She's carrying my child I think I have a say in what's she does and where she goes."?Courtney got mad and started yelling, "No your just a fucking control freak. You break up with her, break her heart, and now she's pregnant you want her to take you back hell no!"

He got mad clenching his fist, "Shut the fuck up Courtney your just a jealous bitch that doesn't want to see her happy!" I couldn't handle all the yelling my head was pounding against my skull. I felt dizzy all of a sudden my knees felt weak and I fell hitting the floor my vision with black.

All I could hear was Courtney screaming as blood spilled from the back of my head onto the floor. Steven grabbed my body shaking me too keep my eyes open. He screamed for Courtney to call 911. Everything went black their voices were fading in and out.

Steven kept screaming my name over and over. It was getting harder and harder to breath. I was swallowed up in total darkness all the pain from my head was gone. All the stress was gone everything had stopped.

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