She's so Beautiful

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Braxton was coming over today and I couldn't even think straight this was going to his first time seeing Aliyah since I had her five months ago.

There's was a knock at the door I finished putting pillows around Aliyah so she wouldn't fall. Opening the door he smiled at me,"Michelle." I stepped aside rubbing my temples,"She's in the room on the bed."

He nodded walking back down the hall I followed him,"You painted your room?" I nodded,"Yeah it's been awhile now since I got it done." He stared at Aliyah on the bed she was kicking her feet smiling at him.

I sat on the bed picking her up sitting her in my lap,"You can hold her if you want." He just stood there in the doorway staring at her,"She look just like her dad." Aliyah gurgled reaching towards Braxton she is such a smart baby she only does that with her daddy.

He walked over sitting beside me,"She looks like you too but damn she looks exactly like him!" I didn't know how too take that so I just sat quiet bouncing Aliyah on my thigh.

After awhile of talking it was getting late and I needed to take my shower before work. "Hey can you watch her until I get out the shower?" I passed him to her.

He held her in his arms she stared up him,"Yeah I'll watch her." I went to take my shower I heard him talking to her.

"Your so beautiful Aliyah just like your mommy", that brought a smile to my face.

"God I wish you were mine"

She started crying he shushed her I opened the door fully dressed ready to put Aliyah to bed.

"Thanks for watching her" I said putting my clothes up.

She was asleep laying on his chest,"No problem thank you for letting me see her she's gotten so big it's wild."

I smiled,"Yeah five months and twenty eight days." I grabbed her from him putting her in her crib he sat up on the bed,"She's so beautiful just like you."

"Thank you Braxton so how's you and your girl?", I had to keep reminding myself he had a girlfriend.

He stood up,"Uh...Elora you mean?"


"We're doing great she's sweet and a really great person", he sounded like he was unsure of what he was saying.


"Yeah so you and Steven?"

"We're good", I didn't wanna talk about me and Steven with him. It would never get into too much detail neither would he.

I packed my bag for work tonight,"Yeah I gotta go to work and drop Aliyah off."

"You work Michelle?"

"Yeah I do actually."

"Why! he should take care of you!" I sighed.

"I can take care of myself okay, I don't need him too take care of me."

"Michelle listen you don't-"

"Braxton I'm fineeeeeeee gosh just relax," I couldn't deal with him when he went all alpha male, provider dude on me.

"Okay okay." I pulled the bag over my shoulder turning to face him.

"Please Braxton I got this" he grabbed my face leaning in close our lips barely a inch apart. I could smell his minty breath and those juicy pink lips lord father save me from myself and this attraction I had towards him.

"I wanna kiss you so bad Michelle, but I know I can't" I blinked a few times  scared to utter even a word.

He let my face go lowering his head,"I'm sorry." I turned around buckling Aliyah in her seat belt.

"I gotta go Michelle thank you for allowing me to see Aliyah she's beautiful." I watched him leave.

Aliyah started crying all of a sudden. I stuck her pacifier in her mouth. I can't believe Braxton almost kissed me. My phone rang I picked it up,"Hello." It's was Court,"Hey girl what you doing?" I stuttered,"I- I'm going to w- work."

She laughed,"What's wrong with you? Your stuttering like crazy." I shook my head trying regain focus,"Nothing just had a moment that's all."

"Oh! Well you need to get yourself together cause that stuttering thing ain't cute."

I laughed,"Shut up Courtney."

Aliyah pacifier came out her mouth and she started hollering again throwing a fit. "Please child stop crying!" I put it back in her mouth shushing her for the moment.

"You think you an give me a recommendation Chelle? I need money these new boots are going on sale and Black Friday ain't coming fast enough!"

I burst out laughing grabbing Aliyah's car seat and bag walking out the door,"Yeah but I want a pair of new boots too so don't forget about me."

"How can I forget about my main bitchhhhh!" She yelled into the phone.

Buckling Aliyah in I got in the car a sharp pain shot through my shoulder,"Girl my shoulder hurt Aliyah's car seat is heavy as hell!"

"Girl that's what you gotta deal with being a mommy. Better hit up that gym Steven don't won't no out of shape girl."

I rolled my eyes,"Girl he's happy with what he got and if not he can move right out the door", I said jokingly.

I checked the time turning on Aliyah's baby song CD Steven's mom bought,"I hate these little A,B,C songs but his mother says I need to play it for her everyday."

"I don't see how you do it I used to scream and cry when I heard them annoying little songs."

I started up the car,"Girl you was a pain in the ass when you was little and you know it."

"I wasn't ! My mother said I was a good baby." I laughed,"I highly doubt that."

It took me twenty minutes to get from my house to Steven's. When traffic was hell it took thirty in the mornings causing me to be late work. I had a few excuses but they were getting old.

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