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*Aliyah up top*

Early the next morning my head was throbbing. I got up outta bed getting up to take a shower. Today Aliyah was supposed to go with her daddy.

Last night was all I could think about at the moment. The door opened Aliyah climbed into bed,"Mommy." She said laying her head on my chest. "Yes baby girl" she played with strands of my hair staring up at me.

"Daddy come!" She smiled. I nodded,"Yes daddy's coming." The door opened Steven came in Aliyah jumped up in the bed,"Daddy!" She giggled.

He picked her up spinning her around,"Hey baby girl you missed daddy." She nodded laying her head on his shoulder. He smirked at me in bed,"Your not ready it's twelve."

I groaned,"Yeah I have a bad headache." He laughed,"Get up before we leave you." I dragged myself out of bed going to get dressed. Taking some medicine before we left we loaded up in the car.

"So what did you do last night?" Steven said looking over at me then back at the road. "Nothing why?" I laughed.

"Just asking" he shrugged. I rolled my eyes knowing that he didn't believe me. "I didn't go all the way with Andrew if that's what your asking" he shook his head but I could see him relax a little.

"Alright" was all he said. I was pissed about Dasia being all up on him but no way would I show him I'm jealous he'll only hold it against me.

We made it to the mall I took Liyah out the car putting her in her stroller. I couldn't believe it my baby was going to be two years old soon. Walking through the mall Steven's phone kept blowing up with messages from Dasia.

She always did this on our family outings. Blowing up his phone, trying to get him to cancel when sometimes he ain't see his daughter in over three days. The girl was a mess and truly trying to erase that he had a daughter out the picture.

He took Aliyah in one of the shops buying her a big teddy bear with her name etched on the stomach in pink. I smiled,"That's cute." It's was funny cause it was almost as big as her,"She picked it out herself."

We sat down ate lunch and talked for awhile in the malls food court. I saw the devil herself walking over to our table. "There's your girlfriend Steven" he turned around she smiled waving at us. The girl was faker than Gucci from the Chinese stores. Not to mention that leather peeling away on her jacket that she claim is real but that's none of my business.

I smiled as she walked over I'm not friends with her barely associates but I had to keep things cordial between us. She walked over Steven stood up and so did I, to leave. She kissed him long and hard tongue almost down the throat type stuff.

"Hey baby I didn't know you were here" she said smiling at him. The heffa was just blowing up his phone how could she not know. I picked up Aliyah putting her in the stroller. "What you mean I told you like three times" I ignored them buckling Aliyah in.

"No I don't recall" that lying bitch knew. "You know I always come to see my daughter and I always tell you" I couldn't believe this. I grabbed Aliyah bag walking away. Steven grabbed my hand,"Don't leave." I rolled my eyes as he turned his attention back to his little girl friend.

"Dasia I'm spending time with my family I'll call you later" she pouted at him. "You promise" he rolled his eyes at her. "Mhm yeah I gotta go" she glared at me then turned on her heels walking away.

He turned around facing me,"Chelle why were you leaving." I sighed,"I don't want my daughter around your bit- girlfriend" I said with a smile.

"I know Chelle!" I could tell he was annoyed more with her than me. "Im just saying you know how she is every time you come to see Aliyah." He nodded running his fingers through his hair,"Yeah let's just go."

We got back in the car and went back to my house to watch tv. Aliyah insisted on us watching nemo but she would fall asleep ten minutes into the movie every time.

We both laid in my bed watching Nemo Aliyah asleep inbetween the two of us. "Why did you go with Andrew to the club?" He asked looking over at me with every bit of seriousness. "Why do you care", I answered.

"I'm just saying are y'all going out or something?" I don't know why he's so concerned with me and who I talk to.

"No Steven we just went out that night then he took me home." I left the conversation at that. It's been two years and all of a sudden he's all worried about me.

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