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I was released out the hospital after a week. I felt a lot better my stomach has gotten a little bigger. Everything checked out okay with the baby. They rolled me out the hospital in a wheelchair. I was so embarrassed I looked like an old lady or something. Mom and I got into the car. Buckling her seat belt she turned to me, "Ready to go home Michelle". I gave her a big smile, "Yea mom I miss my bed". We pulled out of the hospital parking lot. That whole week mom took off of work just to stay with me in the hospital. I was so lucky to have a mom like her. We drove down our street it feels like forever since I've been down here. I never realized how much I would miss it until I was apart from it for awhile. I texted Courtney and told her I was being released today. She was so excited more excited than me. We pulled up on the driveway my car was sitting in the driveway I missed my car so much. I hopped out the car running to the front door. I ran down the hall into my room jumping on my bed god I missed my bed so much. Mom came in the room standing in the door she laughed at me. "Michelle it's time for you to take your vitamins and eat something", I got out the bed following her to the kitchen. She made spaghetti and meatballs I was starving that hospital food was not cutting it. I took my vitamins and got up helping mom wash the dishes. I dried and she washed mom handed me a dish to dry, "You know Steven has been worried about you". I sighed putting the dish on the drying rack, "Oh that's a shocker". We finished the dishes I went into my room to lay down for awhile. I watched tv and listened to music with my stuffed teddy bear. My phone vibrated it was Braxton he said he needed to talk to me and he was coming over. He blew the horn from outside I called out to mom that I was leaving. I opened the door and walked to his car. I got in putting on my seat belt. I turned to him and smiled, "Hey Braxton Wassup". He smiled and said, "You've been in the hospital for a week tell me wassup". I laughed, " feels great to be out of that hospital". He stared at me for awhile I got nervous and broke the silence, " said you wanted to talk to me about something". He stopped staring and cleared his throat,"I'm glad that your ok Michelle you had everybody worried". I looked out the window, "Yea I'm sorry about that", I bit my bottom lip nervously". He turned to me "You wanna go get some ice cream with me". I smiled big at him he so cute when he's nervous, "Yeah" I buckled my seat belt we pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road. We looked for a parking spot it seems like everybody was down town today. We found a parking spot close to the ice cream parlor. We walked close together into the shop. I order my favorite strawberry ice cream with marshmallows and chocolate syrup. Braxton order chocolate ice cream with sliced pine apples. I looked at him, "That's gross Braxton your eating chocolate ice cream with pineapples!!". He rolled his eyes at me, "Girl what you mean that's good you have to try it". I turned my nose up at him, "No nope never that's disgusting Braxton". He laughed at me shoving the spoon in my face. I turned my head away laughing at him pushing the spoon away. I watched him eat that disgusting ice cream with pineapples. We finished our ice cream and left Braxton payed for everything since I forgot my purse at home. He said it wasn't a big deal but I told him I would pay him back. We walked down the road looking into the different shops. He stopped and grabbed my arm pulling me into this old looking antique shop. "Michelle look" he pointed to this old record on a shelf in the window. He looked at it, "My grandma used to have a record player and she used to play them old fashion songs by James Brown, Chaka Khan, Ray Charles. We used to dance to them on her porch in the summer time". His eyes lit up when he talked about her. I could imagine him a little boy dancing with a broom to James Brown that's so cute. I put my hand on his shoulder, "Do you still have her record player Braxton". He turned around looking at me, "Yea it's in a box in the attic". I walked into the store the door bells giggled a old lady came out from the back. I approached the counter she smiled sweetly at me. I asked her about the old record in the window. She said it was only three dollars since people hardly owned records. I turned around facing Braxton, "We should buy it and listen to it on your grandmas record player". He smiled at me, "Ok we will have to go to my house and get it". I jumped up and down I was so excited I loved the old music back in the day. He bought the record and we walked out of the antique shop to the car. We drove to his house he said his parents where home. I swallowed the lump in my throat and got out the car. We walked up to his door he unlocked it. I stood behind him I was so nervous meeting Braxton's parents was a big thing. We walked into the living room he called out to his mom and dad. They came into the room his mom was so beautiful she smiled at me. Braxton introduced me, "Mom and Dad this is my friend Michelle". His mom walked up to me and gave me a hug I smiled politely, "It's nice to meet you". I looked at his dad Braxton was the splinting image of his dad they both had was very tall with curly hair. Braxton had his mom dimples which I thought was so cute. Braxton told his parents about the record and they agreed to let us use it. We went down the hall into the attic I held the ladder as he went up. I yelled up at him,"Be careful Braxton". He grabbed the box full of records and the record player. He handed me the box box and climbed down the ladder. Dust flew from the box I sneezed,"How long has this box been up there". He lifted the ladder flexing his muscle, if you really look at him he's actually really fine. He came back,"It's been up there for some years...I don't know exactly but you ready to go". I nodded and went to the car he closed the door and told his parent we where leaving. I put the box on the back seat we went back to my house. Getting out the car he grabbed the box. I said walking onto the porch, "Do you remember how this thing works", he sat the box on the table "I think so it's been awhile". I sat in the chair on the porch watching him set up the record player. He pulled a Michael Jackson album from out the box he played it. It played "The way you make me feel" I jumped up this is one my favorite MJ songs. He grabbed my hand and spun me into his chest then out again I laughed. We started dancing on my porch he did the moonwalk I bursted out laughing when he almost fell. We where singing and dancing to MJ the song went off and we sat down in the chairs laughing our butts off I looked at him, "This was so much fun Braxton". I helped him pack up the record player and put it in his backseat. It was getting dark outside already the day had flew by so fast. He closed the car door and stood there, "I had a fun time with you today Michelle". I stared down at my shoes, "I did too Braxton". He lifted my chin and he kissed me. I leaned into him resting my hand on his chest. His hand slid around my waist. A car pulled up and we broke apart. "I'll see you tomorrow Michelle"he said smiling getting into his car. I smiled, and walked back to the porch. He pulled out of the driveway and sped down the road just thinking of him made me smile. I went back inside and sat in the couch next to mom. I laid my head in her lap and she rubbed back. I looked up at her for once this whole week she looked like her normal self. Someone knocked on the door I got up to answer it. I opened the door Steven was standing there when he saw it was me he grabbed me and hugged me tight. "Michelle your home why didn't you call me or something" he said squeezing me. I pulled back and said, "I didn't want anyone to know". Mom came up behind me asking who was at the door, when she saw it was Steven a look of surprise came over her face. She told him to come in and sit on the couch so me and him could talk she went into her room. I turned off the tv and sat on the opposite couch from him. It was silent for a moment then he said,"Michelle how are you feeling". I sighed, "Better than before...". He let out a low chuckle. I don't know why I was so uncomfortable around him. I know him like the back of my hand but yet I can't seem to shake this uneasiness when I'm around him. "How's the baby doing". I hesitated I just wanted him to leave and to get this awkward moment out of the way, "The baby is fine". He sighed heavily sitting up in the chair I guess he was serious now, "Michelle we need to figure out what were going to do. I know that I wanna be in my child's life it's not right for me not to be in my child life. This is going to be hard we're both sixteen and don't know shit about raising a baby but I do know I'll be there every step of the way with you". I gave him a small smile, he got up and walked over to where I was sitting. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my back and rubbed my back this always brought calm over me. I leaned into his chest and sighed this brought back so many memories. I curled up onto his lap and closed my eyes I felt safe all the uneasiness went away.

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