All hell

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Grabbing my keys I unlocked the front door,"Mom you home!" I called out. I didn't get a response I walked pass the living room then stopped.

"What th-" Mom was asleep in that guys arms. He looked at me then woke up mom. She got up stretching,"How long was I asleep?"

"Too long if your ask me!" I said my arms crossed staring at her and this guy she been screwing.

He stood getting ready to leave,"I'll call you seems like you two have a lot to talk about" He gave her a strange look before walking pass me.

I waited until I heard the front door close,"Momma who's this dude?"

She folded up the blankets ignoring me. I was starting to feel like the parent and her the grown ass teenage child you can't do nothing with.

"Momma" I said staring at her.

She sighed rubbing her forehead,"He's no one Michelle now go in your room!"

"That's funny because I don't think you just go around fucking "no one" while your daughters home!" I was beyond pissed at her.

"Michelle don't you speak to me like that!" She yelled.

"You always bringing that man around now who the hell is he! I think I deserve to know when I come home to you sneaking him out the house after y'all had sex!"

"Michelle!" She screamed slapping me hard across the face. I held my cheek tears sliding down my face. This was the first time she's ever hit me.

"I don't know where in the hell you get this nerve from but you will not talk to me like that! No matter what I do I owe you no explanation your my child not the other way around!"

I ran out the house,"Michelle!" She screamed after me I got in the car pulling fast out the driveway. I hit the gas driving as fast as I could tears blurring my vision.

I stopped at a stop sign my body shaking with sobs my cheek throbbing. I grabbed my phone calling Steven. He didn't answer I called Courtney next she didn't answer.

I drove to the only persons house who I knew I could trust. I got out the car walking up the pathway to the front door. It was cold and I didn't have a jacket. I knocked waiting then I knocked again he opened the door.

"Michelle?" I nodded wiping my face. He pulled me inside closing the door,"Why are you crying? What are you doing here? Why is your face is red Michelle what's going on."

I couldn't even get a word out before I started balling my eyes out. He pulled me into his chest rubbing my back,"Don't cry Michelle everything's going to be alright."

After I had cried all the water out my of body Braxton wrapped me in a blanket before sitting with me on the couch. "You ready to tell me what's going on",he said staring at me from across the couch.

"Me and my mom got in a heated argument.. I was already angry and about something else she just added fuel to the flames!"

"So she slapped you that's why your face is red!" I nodded wiping my tears.

"I'm sorry Michelle, why were you two arguing"

"She's been sleeping with this dude and its crazy because when he left he gave her this look I couldn't decipher."

He rubbed his eyes yawning,"Were you asleep?" He nodded,"But I'm okay Michelle."

We sat there for a few minutes in silence,"Why were you upset before?"

I shook my head,"No reason."

He smirked,"You and Steven got into an argument?"

"Maybe" he shook his head.

"Okay Michelle"

I rolled my eyes,"You and your girl perfect in paradise!"

"Why are you jealous?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You wish I was Braxton" I chuckled.

"Whatever Michelle" he was mad because I didn't care for him and his little super model girlfriend.

I stood up,"I should probably go."

He walked me to the door,"Alright."

I got in the car driving home she was probably asleep so I could sneak into my room.

Unlocking the door I walked into the house. She was asleep waiting for me on the couch Aliyah by her side. I picked up Aliyah walking into my room.

I laid her in the crib while I took a quick shower then got into bed. Tonight was exhausting I fell into a deep sleep not moving until my alarm started ringing.

God I didn't feel like going to work I got Aliyah dressed then got ready before dropping get off to Steven's parents.

"Michelle how's your mother" I smiled being polite to Steven's parents was a must on my part.

"She's fine" I said quickly trying not to be late for work.

I got a text from Courtney while as I was at work. I looked around to make sure nobody was watching me.

"Ms. Davis you know your not supposed to be on your phone at work", A voice said from behind me.

These people never give me a break.

"I'm sorry Joshua I was just checking a text from my mom she's keeping my daughter today" I lied.

"That's fine just don't do it again" I waited until he walked away checking my text.

Courtney: Girl Steven is walking in the mall with another girl I just seen that bastard !

My mouth flew open I couldn't believe it he said he had work today. I texted her back.

Me: he told me he had to work today I can't believe this man!

I clicked off my phone I couldn't wait until I got off of work to go confront his cheating ass.

Finally I got the car this was too much I know how I was with stress. Why do he continue to try me like this like I won't find out.

I pulled outside his house waiting for him another car pulled up in the driveway Steven go out. "Who the fuc-" I hopped out the car and so did the girl he was with.

He started walking towards me,"Michelle chill out its not like that." He grabbed me before I could lunge at the chick sizing me. "Yo Steven this your baby mama that you be talking about" she said laughing like I was a joke.

"Aye chill out Crystal" he said to the girl grabbing my arms pushing me back to my car.

"So this what you do now hang with other bitches while I'm trying to provide for your daughter!" I screamed in his face on the verge of tears.

"Michelle no she's just a friend!" the girl laughed, "Friend my ass remember when you was calling to eat this p.ssy."

I slapped him hard pushing him off of me,"You know what fuck you! Steven and that skank ass bitch you with!"

I got in my car he started beating on the window,"Michelle please!" I had enough of hurting I had enough of all this bull crap he was putting me through.

Hitting the gas I called Steven parents,"I need you to keep Aliyah for a week please."

They agreed with no questions asked I bet they knew about that bitch Steven was with. I can't believe it after I the crap he told me. I felt like all hell was about to break loose if I stayed here.

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