Good News

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Everything was falling into place I was as happy as ever. Steven's back Braxton has been a little distant but Steven is back. I couldn't be happier with everything. Mom is making a huge recover the doctors are constantly running tests but they say the cancer is slowly going away.

We only have one person to thank for that the man upstairs. I decided it's best that I go by and talk to Braxton. Me and him not going out or anything it's just we did have a thing going on just unofficial I guess. Even though me and Steven aren't back together I still need to get things straight.

I got out the car waking up the path leading to the doorway. The smell of fresh cut grass hitting my nose. It smelled so good I took a deep breath before knocking on the front door.

His mom opened the door she frowned when she'd seen me. My smile faded matching the slight glare she was giving me. "May I help you Michelle", she asked in a snobbish tone.

I mentally rolled my eyes,"Yes I really need to talk to Braxton"I said smiling politely. Killing her with kindness is the way I was taught. She smiled back but clearly a forced one, "He's not here".

I heard Braxton voice from behind her she still held that phony smile. I nodded smiling at her, "Thank you for everything it was truly a blessing". Walking out her face I got back in my car driving off.

Braxton must have told his parent Steven was back and that I was going back to him. That wasn't the case since Steven's gotten back our relationship was out of sight out of mind. It's been all about the baby I don't understand.

It's typical for the girl and of course her and her baby's father to be together but in this situation that wasn't the case. We had stuff we need to work out and get straight.

I called Braxton as I walked into the house he wasn't picking up. Opening the door I froze when I saw Steven sleeping in my bed with nothing but his boxer, and socks wrapped up in my sheets. What in the hell is he doing in my bed with no clothes on.

I took a picture before taking off my shoes climbing in the bed next to him. I whispered in his ear as he slept, "Steven what are you doing".

He opened his eyes turning around to face me he smiled, "I needed to be close  to you and the baby". I smirked, "Yeah right your in my bed with just boxer and socks on like you at home".

He chuckled grinning up at me, "I am at home when I'm with you and plus I was lonely". I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right".

"Your getting so big" he said rubbing my big round tummy. I sighed leaning back against the head board, "I know and I'm tired plus my feet killing me.

He sat up grabbing my feet, "You want me to massage them". I nodded closing my eyes as he massage my feet, "Ohh that feels so good".

I heard him chuckle I opened one eye watching him then relaxed again. We sat there in silence for quiet awhile. This had to be the best massage I've ever had in my life. That boy know he had some hands on him.

He stopped I opened eyes looking at him. He sat there staring at me, "What"
I asked a slightly confused look on my face.

"I missed you so much Chelle baby", he said staring me deep in the eyes. I quickly looked away avoiding his intense gaze fixed on me, "You didn't miss me that much Steven you left me".

He sighed running his hands through his black thick curly hair, "I'm sorry I had to do what I had to do". I let what he said sink in for a minute, "Okay Steven" I didn't have any energy to argue.

I played with my hands in my lap while he sat there staring off into space. He finally looked back at me, "You know your hairs gotten longer". He leaned over flipping my now long thick brown hair off my shoulder.

I shrugged, "Shows how much you done missed". He sighed in frustration, "Damn Michelle I don't wanna argue with you I just wanna to make things right. I'm here now and I'm trying to make up for everything I missed".

Tears slide down my face I wiped them away as quickly as they fell. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest kissing my forehead, "I'm so sorry Michelle it's just so much at one time, we young it's going to get harder than it already is and I don't know what to do" he whispered.

I put my hand on his chest over his heart. Then I felt something poke me I laughed, "Is that- Are you- Never mind". He just laughed it's funny cause he on hard at a moment like this is so weird.

He groaned, "You know when your mad it turns me on". I covered my mouth trying to keep my laughs from slipping out. I sat up looking at him, "What are we going to do".

He shrugged, "I don't know but just know it's going to be our best, and our baby girl is going to be loved no matter what". I smiled at him wrapping my arms around his neck, "I missed you so much".

Steven was my everything but Braxton had a piece of my heart as well. It's so hard to choose between two people that you love.

A/N: So what did you guys think of this chapter... VOTE Please and don't forget to comment as well... Hope you enjoyed there's more to come in the life of Michelle!!! I'm out -Nigeria

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