Not yet

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Feeling a sharp pain in my stomach I groaned sitting up in bed. I reached over clicking on my lamp light. Cringing in pain tears sliding down my cheeks the pain was unbearable.

I tried moving but it only had gotten worse. I laid there crying holding my stomach. Grandma came in the room she had her night gown on. "Michelle are you okay" she rushed over to me.

I shook my head crying she grabbed my phone calling 911. "Hello I need a ambulance as soon as possible". Wiping my tears away she said, "Don't worry the ambulance is on its way".

I doubled over in pain crying biting my lip to keep from screaming, "I can't take it". She rubbed my back trying to keep me calm, "It's going to be alright Michelle".

The ambulance came they put me on a stretcher taking me to the hospital. The lady shined a light in my eyes. I was covered in sweat and was burning up. Grandma called Braxton and everyone else who was listed as important in my contact list.

They immediately put a IV in me and started asking me weird questions. Are you doing drugs? Have you had any alcohol in the last twenty four hours? Luckily the pain had stopped after they gave me some pills to take. They wanted to keep me over night just to be safe.

My doctor was paged right before I made it to the hospital. She walked into the room a smile on her face. I was exhausted and drained. "How are you feeling Michelle" she asked.

"Better than I was before" I chuckled. She just smiled nodding, "We ran test the baby's fine you were just going through B.H.Contractions. Your body is getting ready to push out that baby when the time comes. It's totally normal for this to happen at this stage in the pregnancy. Although they feel like real contraction they aren't. Your seven months pregnant it's totally normal for this to happen so don't worry".

I smiled in relief rubbing my tummy my little baby was ready to pop any minute now. Grandma came into the door she smiled at the doctor, "Is everything okay".

The doctor smiled at her explaining the whole process to her as she did to me. If those weren't the real contractions then I don't wanna know what the real ones feel like. It felt like someone was stabbing me in my stomach.

I sighed staring up at the ceiling I glanced over the doctor who was now leaving. Grandma walked over to the bed wiping my face, "Are you okay sweet pea". I nodded smiling up at her, "Yeah I'm fine grandma I just was scared a little".

She smiled, "It's okay to be scared because I was, heck everyone is scared when they have their first baby". I didn't say anything.

She put her hand over mine, "Braxton is worried about you". I sighed, "I know". "Me and you both know your still in love with Steven". I laughed, "But he's not in love with me, he left me alone with a baby".

She was silent after that leaning down kissing me on the forehead head she said, "Well I'm going to get Braxton he's not going to quick pacing until he sees you". I chuckled I could just imagine his handsome dark face in distress pacing back and forth.

She left leaving me alone for awhile then the door creaked open. Braxton walked in he sighed I could see a sea of relief wash over him. He walked over to the side of the bed smiling but I could still see the worry in his eyes as he scanned my face, "I thought you went into labor gosh I was worried about you".

"No not yet but she's coming soon" I chuckled.

He arched an eyebrow at me, "She's coming soon" he asked.

I smiled, "Yes it's a girl I wanted to keep it a surprise but I guess it slipped".

He smiled, "Am I the first you've told the gender to". I shook my head he pouted causing me to laugh, "No grandma was the first then Courtney because she kept bugging me to tell her".

He ran his fingers through his hair, "She's going to be so beautiful just like her mommy". I couldn't help but smile at that. He leaned down and kissed me. Cupping my face in his soft big hands.

For just that moment everything slipped away and I forgot. Before the kiss could get too deep he pulled away. Looking me in the eyes he said, "I'm going to be here for you and your baby girl. Forever you two are going to be my baby girls".

"Your amazing Braxton truly the most amazing person I've ever met before". He blushed at my comment, "Your just saying that but I truly mean what I say".

I picked up on the seriousness his voice held the determination. It scared me and made me want to be closer to him all at the same time. Maybe I should just let Steven go for awhile. It's just going to be hard.

I scooted over making room for him on the hospital bed. He put his arm around me I laid my head on his chest. Listening to his heart beat in his chest. Feeling the heat radiating off his body as he wrapped his arms around me.

I sighed as he rubbed my back in slow circles. I took a deep breathe closing my eyes. After awhile I drifted off in his arms.


A/N: Guysssss I hope you liked this chapterrrr ... Michelle is coming to the end of her pregnancy and you finally know the gender of the baby ITS A GIRL!! Yay!! If you have any recommendations for the name of the baby COMMENT if you LOVE Braxton and Michelle COMMENT !! If you prefer Steven and Michelle COMMENT I wanna know what you think I might take your ideas in consideration. Plus I'll give you a shout out in the next chapter so COMMENT & Vote!! I'm out -Nigeria

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