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I hugged him tight, "Thank you for sticking with me through it all" He hugged me back kissing the top of my head, "No need to thank me Michelle."

We walked out the doctors office, here I am four months pregnant and I'm already struggling. My shirts were getting to small, now I had to wear one of Braxton's shirts. It was huge so we decided to go buy me some bigger shirts today.

I've been doing good exercising and all that good stuff. With Braxton's help of course he's been paying my gym membership for now. Just until mom medical bills go down and are fully paid off.

Grandma's been helping but the bills keep coming and rising. Mom's hair began to thin out she would get depressed about it so my grandma had to constantly lift her spirits. She's been fighting and it's taking a toll on her. When I look at her she doesn't look like the strong independent mommy I knew months ago. She looked like a totally different person and I was scared.

She said something about cutting it all off when she goes to kemo therapy. At home things weren't good moms depressed, in and out of the hospital. So I'm mostly alone Courtney fell behind in some of her classes so her mom has her on lock down.

I've been over to Braxton's house a lot lately. I practically live there since his parents know my current situation. I've been doing good in school and was plunged with a stack of scholarships.

That's the one good thing that has happened in the past few months. The word spread quickly when my tummy started to get even bigger. People where asking questions and teachers were staring at me.

I would deny it every time someone asked me but now I don't. Everyone including the teachers know I'm pregnant. At first there was a rumor going around that I cheated with Braxton and got knocked up.

I quickly dismissed that rumor shutting it down as soon as I heard it. I explained to one girl that I was pregnant from Steven. She spread the word faster than the plague. By the end of the day everyone knew I was pregnant from Steven.

Steven and I haven't talked since our big fight and he stormed off. Later I found out that he moved schools and didn't even tell me. I had to find out from his friends. I went by his house everyday for a week but he was never there. Always out with his new friends he even ditched his old home boys. They was pissed at him for leaving like he did.

The whole school was actually very acceptant to me being pregnant. I thought I would get a lot of hate but I was so wrong. People bought me baby clothes, bottles, diapers and baby gift baskets for weeks. Even the kids I didn't know they would say because I was always nice to them. I know I just had to blessed I didn't even have to buy any baby stuff. That made me smile I was nice to everybody not one person I was mean to just cause.

I haven't seen or talked to Steven in two months. I guess he didn't care anymore about me or our baby. I remember thinking about keeping the gender a surprise but now it doesn't matter.

Steven clearly has made his point on not wanting to be with me or our baby by running away. The whole week I visited his house his parents would act like they didn't know who I was. It goes to show you how people can be.

I remember after that last time going to his house crying my heart out all night. Once again I was the one being left and crying. This time I wasn't alone I was left with a baby and a broken heart.

Braxton rubbed my back, "You okay Michelle". I nodded smiling at him, "Yeah I'm fine just thinking". He just smiled looking back at the road.


He nodded stopping in front of my house, "Michelle I need to tell you something" I fiddled with a loose string on my bag, "Ok what is it."

It was quiet for awhile in the car between us. It was like the silence was screaming for someone anyone to speak. He cleared his throat turning to face me, "Michelle I'm in love with you."

We got out the car walking into the mall I went into areopostale buying me a few shirts. Braxton bought me some super fluffy socks from Macy's. I though they were so cute considering I couldn't afford them.

He bought mostly everything food, clothes whatever I needed. He got a job just so he could buy me stuff. I knew I could never repay Braxton or his parents. I constantly thanked them and they says they were getting tired of it.

I just really appreciated the help when I most definitely needed it. I was couldn't even imagine what life round have been without Braxton and his parents.

They always said I was like the daughter they never had. Which made me smile every time. When I told them I was pregnant they didn't judge me. Not one time I knew it bothered them at first but they didn't resentment me.

They just made me feel more at home. Then I told them about my mom and everything got even better on that side. Some nights when I can't sleep I sit up thinking about my baby and how I'm going to do it all by myself.

I knew Braxton was going to be there for me and my baby that I knew for sure. The school year would be almost over anyway so I had time. Time for what I don't know exactly right now.

Braxton has been the main source of my happiness he takes me out and makes me laugh when I'm feeling down. He constantly tells that I need to stop thinking so much.

Then I would say you have no idea how much I want to stop thinking. Then things get super awkward he says something dumb and I laugh until my sides hurt.

Me and Braxton has gotten a lot closer and I'm so happy he's here with me. Courtney's had my back from a distance when she would sneak on the phone and call me.

I would keep her updated on the gossip and she would yell in the phone almost getting caught. The things that excited that girl right there. Overall my life could be worst but it could be better. I'm just happy I have a few people left to support and encourage me.

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