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Mom took Aliyah with her shopping after Black Friday leaving Steven and I home alone. We watched movies all day eating pizza. I laid my head on his back,"Babe do you think we'll ever have another baby in the future."I waited for his response,"Not the near future! Right Michelle?" He sat up staring at me,"You not pregnant are you"

"No I'm not pregnant!" I chuckled.

"Good cause I was about to say. We haven't had sex since you got pregnant." He said it with a hint of disappointment on the end.

"Why'd you say it like that?"

"I was just saying!"

"No you were saying it like it was a problem!"

"It's not I was just saying"

"The hell you were" I crossed my arms over my chest glaring at him. I can't believe he had the nerve.

He crawled over to where I was sitting,"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that."


He leaned over trying to kiss me,"Nope" I moved my face away.

"Chelle don't be like that"

"I'm not Steven!"

He sighed getting up out the bed putting on his shoes. I turned to face him,"Where you going."

"I forgot I had something planned later on with the boys", he grabbed his phone and keys texting somebody.

"Oh", I really couldn't believe he was leaving.

"Yeah I'll see you later", he walked out the door without even giving me a kiss.

I got up getting ready to take my shower and go to sleep. My phone vibrated on my nightstand. I picked it up Court texted me.

Courtney: "Girl there's this party tonight and I need a date!"

Me: "Alright? Who you taking!"

Courtney:"You stupid! What those vitamins you taking making you a tad bit slow or sumn?"

Me:"Shut up girl! And I don't really wanna go"

Courtney:"Yeah you is be ready @ 9 you going! wear something sexy but not thotish Ight"

I burst out laughing this girl really needed help.

Me:"Fine but I'm wearing one of my grandma dresses and her brown pumps!"

I could only imagine her face when she read my text she probably died laughing.

Courtney:"Girl don't make me beat yo ass but get ready it's 7 already!"

Searching through my closet I pulled out a olive green bandage dress with the back out that hugged my curves. Finding my nude heels to match was hell in all the shoes I had.

I straightened my hair before doing my make up which took about an hour. Steven walked in behind me,"I forgot my wallet I just came back to get it."

"Damn Michelle where you think you going dressed like that?" He eyed me up in down. I rolled my eyes,"Nowhere Steven"

"Michelle I'm not playing with you! Your entire fucking back out and ass where you going looking like that!"

I sighed putting on my lip gloss,"My ass is not out your being overdramatic." I turned around walking pass him he grabbed my waist,"Niggas really go be all up on you I'm not having that. Go change into some sweats and my t-shirt."

"Steven if you don't let me go and get outta my face!" I warned.

He pushed me on the bed pinning my arms down getting in my face,"You not leaving this house dressed like that!"

I huffed,"Get off of me Courtney go be here any minute." I squirmed,"Steven I'm not playing with you!"

Courtney blew the horn from outside,"Looks like you go miss your ride Chelle" he smirked.

"Gosh I fucking hate you!" He narrowed his eyes at me,"Good cause you ain't going nowhere dressed like that."

My phone started ringing on the bed,"Steven let me go!" I screamed.

Courtney walked into the room,"Chelle hurry up damn it don't take that long to get dressed."

Her eyes widened when she saw me pinned down on the bed,"What in the hell are y'all doing?"

"She's not going anywhere so you can leave without her!" Steven said glancing down at me.

I rolled my eyes,"I'm going to this party."

"Ugh I ain't got time!" Courtney sighed.

She was wearing a black mini dress with red heels her hair curled. My girl makeup was on fleek I knew we was going to turn up.

"I think she looks good now get off of her and let us go!"

"No! Now you can leave damn...ain't no since in you standing there like a fool!"

"I'm sorry Chelle but I can't...I'll be done cussed him out I gotta go without you baby", she walked out the room down the hall I heard the front door close and her car pull off.

"Look what you did!" I pushed him off of me going into the bathroom slamming the door.

"What you thought you was going to a party looking like you single or some shit", he yelled on the other side of the door. I covered my ears leaning against the door.

"Shut the fuck up ! You can do whatever you wanna do but I can't go out and wear what I wanna wear!" I yelled back at him.

"Michelle don't start this bullshit you know I wasn't go let you go out looking like that not even your own momma would."

I was getting sick of him and all this bull he was putting me through.

"I ain't say nothing when you me left to be with your boys. When we was suppose to spend the weekend together. Or when I loved you and you broke up with me for another bitch! Not even when I got pregnant like a dummy from a no good stupid ass boy! Then have you leave me for almost all my pregnancy without a trace!" I didn't know I was crying until I had finished my chest heaving.

He was silent I got up from the floor wiping my face looking in the mirror my makeup completely ruined. I sniffled blowing my nose, my eyes were puffy and nose red.

I swear he just ruined my whole night I just wished he would go away and never come back again but I knew if it came true I would miss his stupid acting ass.

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