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"Do you have everything Michelle", I looked around the room making sure I had everything I came with, "Yeah I think so take Aliyah to the car I just have to sign some papers.

"Okay baby" he leaned over giving me a small kiss on the cheek before taking Aliyah to the car in her car seat.

I waited for the doctor she walked in smiling at me, "Michelle it's wonderful to see you up and on your feet. Your healthy and so is your beautiful baby girl congratulations"

"Thank you doctor I honestly couldn't do it without you!" She gushed then handed me a clipboard with some discharge papers I had to sign.

I signed them hurrying out the hospital sliding doors ready to get home. Steven was driving and he wanted to stop by his parents house so they could see Aliyah. Honestly I didn't want them to see her they've treated me wrong when Steven was gone so I told him just to take me and the baby home. He was a little upset about it but understood where I was coming from.

We pulled into my driveway Steven shut off the car turning to face me. "Michelle baby I'm sorry for all the bull shit I put you through and I want to make it up to you."

"How do you plan on making it up to me."

He didn't answer my question he just got out the car closing the door going around on to the other side getting Aliyah who was asleep in her car seat taking her inside. I got out the car getting her baby bag then going inside.

It was just Steven, me and the baby home alone. Grandma and mom had some business to take care of I don't know what exactly. Walking into my room Steven was taking Aliyah out her car seat and laying her into her crib.

I plopped down on the bed exhausted being that I was breast feeding and birthing a baby is no walk in the park. Steven crawled into the bed next to me. He laid his head on my chest like the big baby he was. I reached for my phone texting Courtney that I made it home. Steven was fast asleep and way too comfortable I couldn't even move without waking him. He had a tight grip around my waist. I sighed rubbing my hands through his soft curly brown hair. My big baby was tired he stayed up with me all night when I was aching and hurting all threw the night.

It was almost time for me to wake up Aliyah to feed her. They really don't be lying when they say new born babies sleep a lot. I eased from up under Steven getting up to go wash my hands and face. I don't know why but it's become a habit of mine since I gave birth. I heard a knock at the front door flicking off the bathroom light I went down the hall to answer the door.

I opened the door standing there was to my surprise Braxton. He looked up at me and smiled, "Hey Michelle can we talk?" I nodded stepping outside onto the porch sitting down in a chair.

"I know why your here and what you have to say" I ran my fingers through my hair staring at my feet.

"Okay then you know what I want from you" he said hesitatingly.

"A relationship...that I can't give you because" I paused searching for the right words to say.

"I love you Michelle and I have for awhile now and you know that" he stared into my eyes.

"I love you too Braxton but I love the both of you and you know I can't choose between you" I honestly couldn't even if I wanted too. I wished that things were different and I... And we could both be together but my heart won't allow it.

He stood up staring down at me, "I can't make you stop loving him. I've tried and I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to choose between the both of us" My heart was racing and Im pretty sure I stopped breathing for the moment. "You was with him first and you were pregnant by him and now have a beautiful daughter together."

Tears were in his eyes as he stood there pouring his heart out to me.

"I shouldn't have tried to come in the picture and mess that up. I'm sorry Michelle and I only wanted what's best for you. I thought that me and you together is what was best for you. I don't know him and I don't know the reason why you still love him after all the pain he's caused you. It's not my job to judge that or even question it. But all I want you to know is that I love you and I will always love you even if you don't love me the same way." And with that he wiped the tears off of his face walking off the porch getting into his car and driving away.

I wiped the tears that were streaming down my face and got up from the chair walking back inside. I closed the door leaning against it trying to catch my breath. I sniffled back my tears trying to compose myself before anyone saw me.

I went back in the room waking Aliyah up she was a new born so all she did was sleep. After she was full I burped her than rocked her back to sleep. For the longest she stared at me with those big brown eyes it was so crazy how much she looked like Steven. I smiled at down at her, her eyes was closing slowly she was trying to fight her sleep.

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