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*Steven at the top*

I pulled the tie around my neck loosening it so it wasn't to tight. Everything was so different now I was different. I don't think the same, talk the same its like the old me was gone. My old stuck up ways are no longer there.

Michelle softened my heart the day she told me I was going to be daddy. Sitting in that emergency room watching her give birth to our beautiful daughter. It was disturbing to see but I had to watch every last minute of it. Cutting my daughters umbilical cord holding her in my arms for the first time. All that changed me... it made me the man I am today.

Taking once last glance in the mirror I grabbed my keys heading to the door. Michelle and I was going out tonight for the first time in forever. Aliyah had us both exhausted and worn out and her mother decided to take her for the night. I wanted to make this night special so I did something I knew she was going to love.

Locking the door behind me I walked to the car. I couldn't wait to see her face when she saw where we was going. I pulled up outside her house cutting off the car pulling out my phone to text her. To be honest I was nervous to see if she was going to like it. It was different then our other dates in the past. I texted her phone telling her I was outside.

She texted back I shut off my phone sitting there staring at her front door finally she opened it stepping out looking beautiful as always. I got out to meet her halfway. She smiled when she seen me,"You look handsome baby" she said pecking my lips. I grinned,"You look amazing baby girl." She blushed biting her lip nervously,"So where are you taking me I can't wait"she said excitedly.

I grabbed her hand walking her to the passengers side of the car,"Wait and see I really hope you like it." She looked at me a bit confused then shrugged. I opened her door waiting until she got in closing it I jogged to the other side.

We drove off down the road I've never done anything like this before and hoped everything went well tonight. She would look over at me every once in awhile with a nervous smile on her face. I put my hand over hers squeezing it gently giving her a boyish grin.

She laughed,"You are something else." I rolled my eyes playfully,"Me no you!" We both started laughing it got quiet when we were pulling up on the park. She looked over at me,"The park Steven?" I nodded parking the car in the empty lot. It was dark out but I had a big surprise over that hill.

I got out the car going on her side opening the door. She stepped out the car,"I'm scared we might get robbed or something." I laughed,"No baby your with me don't worry about that." I leaned down kissing her lips softly grabbing her hand.

We walked through the park it was basically pitch dark but I knew where I was going. Michelle held onto me tight she such a scary cat. I smiled at her she just stared nervously up at me. We made it to the top of the hill where there was a clearing she gasped then let my hand go covering her mouth.

"You like it baby" I said rubbing my neck nervously. Her eyes became glossy and she looked up at me,"Oh my god! I can't believe you did this." I didn't say anything unsure of if she liked it or not.

Over the hill I had a white tent set up with candles lit around making it shine bright through the dark. A small group of violist played soft music in background. I also had set up a candle lit dinner with a huge bouquet of roses that sat in the center of the table. I grabbed her hand walking closer. She just smiled wiping her eyes holding my hand tight.

I pulled out the chair for her as she sat down. Siting down I stared at her as she looked around the light illuminating from the moon shining right on her I've never seen someone more beautiful.

"Do you like it", I said nervously. She just looked around at our surroundings amazed. She smiled at me tears falling down her cheeks,"No one has ever done something like this for me before,"she said wiping her face. I held her hand to my lips,"I love you so much Michelle." I gave her a napkin to wipe her face she sniffled,"I love you so much more Steven thank you."

I leaned over the table giving her a kiss I've never been so happy in my life. This was all I ever wanted for her to be happy and smiling. The waiter I hired for the evening came and brought us our food grilled flank steak and balsamic vegetables. I know how Michelle likes to eat healthy now which was a complete shock to me.

We ate while the soft soothing music played in the background Michelle was loving every bit of it. "Baby my parents wanted to keep Aliyah for the weekend." She froze then laughed aloud staring at me,"Your parents?" she said pointing her fork at me. I nodded,"Yeah they haven't gotten the chance to really meet her." She rolled her eyes and went back to cutting her steak shoving a piece in her mouth.

This entire conflict between my parents and Michelle wasn't going to work. I don't know what they did to her when I was gone or what she did to them but when I came back she didn't want anything to do with them.

"Michelle baby please?" I pleaded with her not wanting to ruin the night but defuse the conflict she had with my parents. She sighed deeply rubbing her forehead,"I don't know Steven."

"They just wanna keep her for one weekend that's all baby", she just stared at her plate then looked up at me,"Would it make you happy if I said yes."

I nodded,"Okay then only if it'll make you happy that your parents keep Aliyah for ONE weekend". I smiled at her happy that she said yes because I know how she can be. She just continued eating so I did the same.

When we were finished I asked her for one slow dance because we never got the chance to do that before. I held her close while she rested her head on my chest. "I love you Steven", she mumbled. "I love you too" I said kissing the top of her head.

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