We done

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Aliyah had so many gifts from people and it didn't help that Andrew bought her some too. I had to give it to Steven he bought her everything from clothes to toys.

He looked good and was going to college and everything. Has his own apartment I'm proud of him. Courtney walked into the room,"Did you see Steven!" I rolled my eyes picking up Aliyah's toys off the floor and putting them away. "Yeah I seen him why?"

"He looked good girl I'm just saying!" She was being a ass right now. "I know Court" I sighed. "Yeah uh what's good with y'all?"

"What do you mean?" I clearly didn't wanna talk about him but she kept it going.

"Steven he's like a whole new person Chelle you might wanna give him another chance." I turned around and stared at her like she was crazy.

"Hell no! sure he's changed but I don't want what he has anymore!" I yelled angry at her for bringing him up.

"You know you still love him and y'all better together you and Andrew I don't like" she said sucking her teeth. I bit my lip,"Damn Court you never can be happy for me huh!?" I snapped.

She just stood there staring at the ground,"Sorry I'm just thinking what's best for your daughter Chelle!"

I'm growing really tired of her and Steven,"You know what, I know what's best for my daughter just mind your own damn business."

I heard the door slam then her car pull off out the driveway. I didn't care she can stay mad all she wants. My phone stated ringing it was Andrew I grabbed it. "Hey baby" I cooed into the phone.

He chuckled,"Wassup what you doing?" I giggled,"Nothing? Why wassup."

"I wanted to know if you could slid through for a minute?" He said waiting for my reply. I couldn't but I wanted to so bad. "Umm I can't I got my baby tonight", I didn't really wanna disappoint him.

"Oh that's cool I'll come over there" he didn't wait for me to say anything and just hung up. I put Aliyah in my moms room and waited for him. Momma was out late so she wouldn't be back for hours.

He knocked on the door I ran to open it. Grabbing my face he pushed me inside crashing his lips into mine. His hands squeezing my ass I tried to catch my breath. "Wait.. Wait" I gasped for air.

"I can't I've been thinking about you all day." He stuck his in my pants I melted,"Andrew wait." We stumbled down the hallway,"Fuck" he groaned against my lips. We ended up in the bed and he put it on me two times in a row.


My phone kept ringing I was so tired I reached for it knocking it off the shelf. Picking it up I put it to my ear,"Mhmm."

"Why yo ass ain't answering the phone I've been calling you for hours!" Steven barked into the phone. "What?" I said confused.

"Just get up and answer the damn door I'm out here!" I hung up. Looking beside me Andrew was laying in the bed. I got up trying not to wake him walking out the room.

I opened the door Steven walked in,"Next time, answer your damn phone I'm late for work and shit where my daughter!" I rolled my eyes walking him down the hallway to my momma's room.

"You too busy getting fucked to even be with your daughter at night!" He said shaking his head walking into the room. It felt like I'd been stabbed in the heart.

"Shut the fuck up! You ain't shit Steven!" I screamed. I was so angry at this point. Andrew came out the room,"Yo we gotta a problem!"

"Hell yeah home boy we gotta a problem getcho ass up outta here!", Steven said getting in his face. Next thing I know fist were flying and I was screaming trying to break it up.

"You know what fuck this, We done Michelle!" Andrew yelled getting into his car and driving off. Steven left soon after I wiped my eyes tears streaming down my face.

I heard Aliyah in the dark crying. I turned on the light and held her in my arms,"It's okay baby mommy's here." She stared up at me her face beat red and eyes puffy. My heart was heavy I put me and my daughter in a crazy situation.

Everybody was right I was wrong now I ain't have nobody. I was on my own again me and my daughter. After taking Aliyah to daycare I cleaned up the blood off the floor. Andrew had a broken nose and Steven some bruises and a busted lip.

My momma was going to kill me there was a big hole in the wall after Andrew pushed Steven into it. I couldn't even think straight at all my mind buzzing. Momma came home that afternoon and I got cursed out. She then told me about this group inspiring young girl thing she wanted me to go to and speak. I told her I would do to lighten the mood.

The day went horrible Aliyah cried all night and didn't want to go to daycare the next morning for three days straight which left me exhausted.

Momma says it's karma but I doubt it I don't know why she believes in that stuff. I haven't heard from Andrew and didn't want to any time soon. I finally called Steven after Aliyah's been crying for her daddy for a week now.

She spoke to him every night and went to sleep right afterwards. I finally started getting some sleep but I still felt horrible about everything. I guess it showed on my face cause people constantly asked me why I looked sad.

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