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If I could leave this world I would but that would only be selfish on my part. At this moment I felt like things wouldn't get better.

Steven would continue to take me for granted. Braxton will continue to hate me for not loving him. I will continue to hate myself for getting pregnant at sixteen.

I turned on the radio tuning out my haunting thoughts of reality I constantly get slapped in the face by. I stopped at a gas station to get some gas where I was going I had no idea.

It wasn't necessarily safe for me to be alone on the road but that's what I wanted. To be alone for a week I called in the at work my friend Van said he'd cover for me since he owned me from when I covered for him clocking him in on the days he got trashed the night before and came in late.

I pushed a twenty on the counter,"Gas on three." The chasier nodded dining me up before handing me my receipt. I pumped my gas and got back on the road.

All I could think about was if it wasn't Steven who was the father of my child. What if the tables turned and it was Braxton. I probably wouldn't be feeling this way right now.

It's wrong to think this way of course I love Steven but my tolerance for him is shortening. Braxton isn't exactly perfect but he's damn sure close to it.

Something told me to leave and just never come back but I know I would miss my baby girl way too much. Right now I just need space from everything.

My phone was in the backseat blowing up like crazy it was on ten percent aways so I know it's going to die. I stopped at a little motel out in the middle of a country little town.

Good thing I had saved up for two months so I was financially stable for awhile. I paid for a night walking down the hall to my room. It was simple and a little old but the bed was clean with new sheets.

I took a shower and put of a pair of gym shorts a tank top and a pair of underwear I had in my trunk in my gym bag. I watched tv on the old little box tv they had in the room.

My thoughts lingered back to Braxton he was no better than Steven in away but I could see no better person. It's a shame I'm sitting here thinking of my so called ex you can say.

I missed Braxton but then again it seemed only right to be with Steven. Sleep got the best of me and I turned off the lights snuggling underneath the covers.

"Get yo ass up.. You two timing motherfu-" I woke up to somebody yelling through the walls in the other room. I sat up in the bed rubbing my eyes then there was a loud thud against the wall and everything went silent.

I pulled my knees to my chest never being so scared in my life. "Bitch I told you to take your ass home" the other voice yelled back. I grabbed all my stuff including my shoes running barefoot out the hotel room down to the front desk.

I returned my key and hopped in my car going back home. When I checked the time it was one thirty in the afternoon. I couldn't believe I slept that long. I stopped on my way back into the city limits at a McDonald's to get some food.

I was practically starving I had a half tank of gas. I missed my baby so much I should go get her but I don't want to face Steven. I got some balls and started on my way to Steven's house.

Pulling up in the driveway next to his car I got out the car. Knocking on the door his dad answered a surprised look on his face,"Hey Michelle where have you been? Your mothers been calling everywhere for you and I thought Aliyah was staying a week?"

I mentally rolled my eyes,"She has oh! I didn't know that where's my daughter." He let me inside,"She's in the room asleep with Steven."

I sighed,"Okay I'll go back and get her it was nice talking to you" I kept the conversation short I was getting my daughter and leaving.

Walking down the hall I opened the door. He was asleep Aliyah in her crib next to his bed. I picked her chunky self up patting her back to sleep.

Steven moved on the bed I grabbed her bag walking towards the door. My foot hit one of her toys causing it to go off. "Shit " I muttered under my breath.

Steven eyes flew open he got up I opened the door speed walking out the house. He ran behind me,"Michelle!"

I hurried putting Aliyah in her car seat locking her safely in putting her bag on the floor. He caught up with me,"Michelle!" I tried to open my car door but he grabbed my hand.

"Where in the hell did you go yesterday?" I glared him. "Move out my way"

He stood there his arms crossed towering over me,"No you not taking my baby anywhere."

I tried to push him out the way but he wouldn't budge,"Move out the way Steven." I was trying my very best not to knock him out.

"Go talk to that bitch you been begging to eat her p.ssy!" I yelled.

He got mad his face turning red,"No man that's not even true she only said that to piss you off and me! I don't fuck with her Michelle you know I would never do that to you."

My eyes were starting to get watery and I refused to let him see me cry,"Please just move." He just stood there I was tired of fighting with him,"Please" I begged.

"You not leaving Michelle I don't care" he moved then went to the back seat unbuckling Aliyah out her car seat. She was still asleep.

"What are doing" he picked her up walking back towards the house. I grabbed his shirt,"Give me my baby!" I screamed tears streaming down my face.

"No! Michelle get off me" I let him go not wanting to fight with him while he held her. He took her inside then came back for her bag,"Michelle take your ass home to your momma."

I pushed and slapped him all the built up anger and hurt came out all at once,"You know what I fucking hate you!" He grabbed my arms so I couldn't hit him anymore.

His face was beyond red he had a scratch on his cheek,"Take your ass home Michelle before I hurt you!" He pushed me up against the car putting my arms at my side.

I sniffled,"You never loved me I fucking hate you so much." He shook his head tears in his eyes,"Don't come back until you calmed down." He let me go walking back into the house.

I got in my car punching the steering wheel crying my heart out until only sobs came out. It's like everything being taken away from me my daughter, mother and boyfriend.

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