A Break

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Steven burst in my room yelling, "What the fuck Michelle". I sat up rubbing the sleepiness out my eyes looking at him. "What are you talking about I'm tireddd", I laid back down pulling the covers over my head.

He yanked the covers off me onto the floor, "You really think I wouldn't find out where you went". My eyes widened I sat up, "His parents invited me that's all".

He rolled his eyes, "That nigga wants to be with you, fuck all that friends shit". I blinked several times to makes sure I was processing everything correctly, "Wait I held up my hand.. How did you find out".

He shook his head at me, "My friend George seen you holding hands getting on the ferris-wheel together".

I stood up putting on my shirt, "It wasn't how you think it was". He growled, "I'm not trying to hear that bullshit you talking Michelle. I told you stop talking to him and you didn't".

I sat down on the edge of the bed silent. I knew what I did was wrong and disloyal and I'm paying for it. He stood in front of me, "I guess you don't want to be together. Since you want to disobey me and have me out here looking stupid. Holding hands with other niggas".

He started walking out the door. I grabbed his arm, "Please Steven.. Wait". He turned around yelling in my face, "What!". I put my head down feeling ashamed and hurt by the harshness in his tone, "I'm sorry baby".

He scoffed then pulled away walking out the door. I watched from the window as his car pull out the driveway and down the road. I've never thought I'd be the one to mess things up. It was always him now it's my turn and he's walked away.

I wasn't thinking I was stressed about my mom and everything. Deep down I knew Steven was going to find out I just knew it. I never intended it to ruin and end our relationship. That I didn't know I wish I wouldn't have been so stupid.

I tried to call Steven all morning he wouldn't answer the phone. Even if he did I didn't have anything to say beside I was sorry. I felt stupid and disappointed in myself. How could I let this happen I can't lose him when I needed him the most.

Steven he's so stubborn and he makes me want to strangle him sometimes. Once he make his mind up about something there's no changing it. That's it no questions asked it pissed me off he was that way but I understand why he does that.

We'd been through a lot had our shares of arguments and breakups. Moms been in and out of the house barely home. I only see her once a day if I'm lucky even then we don't talk jay silence. Grandma she's practically moved in with us and Courtney has been busy with family.

I got up taking my vitamins and went into the kitchen to eat something. My belly was poking out I'm getting bigger as the months passed.

Some people said I've been getting fat but they only knew the half of it. Soon everyone's going to know the star student Michelle Davis is sixteen and pregnant.

Since Steven is mad at me I guess I would be going alone he wasn't going to be happy but either way I can't miss it. I missed my mommy warm hugs and her encouraging tone. She always told me what to do when me and Steven had got into arguments or fights.

I took a shower and went to put on my work out clothes. I've been doing better with the whole working out thing. I usually just get on the treadmill and lift the one pound weights. I've been having morning sickness and it's killing me.

If I counted correctly I'm exactly two months already you could barely see my little tummy. I sighed staring at myself in the bathroom mirror. Thanks to Courtney for over exaggerating how big I was.

I grabbed my water bottle and keys walking out the door. I got in the car heading to the gym. I walked into the air condition gym thanking the lord once again for air conditioning.

It was something hot out there man that sun wasn't playing. I stood up to desk checking in, "Membership for Davis".

The lady behind the desk smiled at me while typing on the computer. I waited checking my phone for missed calls from Steven she cleared her throat giving me a weak smile, "I'm sorry Ms. Davis but your membership has been denied".

I looked at her like she was crazy, "My mom just payed the membership this month". She typed on the computer again, "Mam your missing a payment for the last two months now".

I frowned walking away from the desk going outside calling her cell. It kept ringing but no one answered I sighed in frustration and got back in the car slamming the door.

Why now do she forget to pay the bill for my gym membership. I reminded her a week ago. I called her again she still wasn't answering it went straight to voicemail.

I turned on the engine driving back home. Can this day get any worse just then my car had stopped. I pulled over on the side of the road.

Tears was threatening to fall but I didn't dare to let them. I got out the car opening the hood. Black smoak flew out the engine. I fanned the air taking a closer look I gagged at the horrible smell.

I ran to the other side of the car throwing up. I felt sick to my stomach the fumes from the car made my stomach turn. I wiped my mouth pulling the hood down.

I called Courtney she didn't answer I strolled through my contacts. I stopped at Braxton's number he answered, "Wassup Michelle". I explained everything to him he said, "I'm on my way".

Ten minutes of sweating my ass off I seen Braxton pull up behind me. He got out walking in front of my car checking the engine. He closed the hood of the car, "I'll take you home then call the tow truck".

I nodded grabbing my purse out the trunk and locking the car. I got in his car, "I hate to leave my baby on the side of the road". He chuckled, "Don't worry no ones going to break in a car on the side of a road ".

We drove down the road I kept looking back at my car. He glanced at me, "I know I never ask you this but how's the baby".

I hesitated this was a touchy subject for me I don't know why it just was considering we had a thing going on, "The baby's healthy and doing great".

He smiled, "Your going to be a great mommy". I chuckled then frowned, "I don't think so not at sixteen". He was silent after that, "People make mistakes but I'm glad you decided to keep it Michelle".

I nodded rubbing my tummy, "Of course there was no other option". He just smiled staring at the road it was peaceful when I was him.

"How's you and Steven", I sighed not wanting to tell him he's the reason we aren't together right now, "Uh we're great he's been busy a lot though".

He nodded stopping in front of my house, "Michelle I need to tell you something". I fiddled with a loose string on my bag, "Ok what is it".

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