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*Steven up top*

Tomorrow is my daughters third birthday. Sometimes I couldn't believe that God gave me a gift so precious as her. She wanted a princess and the frog themed party. I decorated everything, bought cups and food all that for my baby girl's big day. Meanwhile her mother chased a dude around not worrying about our child.

Michelle helped but mostly kept her distance since she's been with Andrew. Now they call themselves in a relationship. We barely exchange two words unless it involves Aliyah. She's not around like she use to be. Always dropping Aliyah off saying she's going out with Andrew.

I think it's fucked up putting a dude before your kid but I don't say nothing. I'm taking care of my daughter regardless the situation. I've spent way to long stressing over Michelle. Don't get me wrong I love her till the world stop spinning but right now I needed to focus.

After Aliyah's first birthday I vowed to myself and my daughter that I would go to college, and make something out of myself. I bought a two bed room apartment. I'm out my parents house finally. Everything was all starting to look up.

Michelle and I's entire family was going to be there for the party. Even some of our friends from high school were coming. Aliyah's little day care friends were invited there had to be at least a thirty people coming to the park we were having it at.

Aliyah leaped into my arms,"Daddy me turn three tomorrow!" She held up her three small fingers in my face. "Yeah baby girl you're growing up so fast on daddy." She giggled running back into the room grabbing all her baby dolls and putting them on the couch.

"Daddy, daddy play dolls wit me!" I sighed grabbing one of her black barbies. We played barbies then I fixed her Mac&cheese. We both sat on the couch watching spongebob eating. I looked over at my daughter and smiled she was so beautiful and smart.

My phone rang I grabbed it looking at the screen it was Michelle. I answered it,"Yeah." "How's my baby" I rolled my eyes knowing if she was here she'd know. "We good wassup?"

I heard her sigh and somebody talking in the back ground,"I just wanted to talk to her can you give her the phone."

"Liyah mommy's on the phone and she wants to talk to you" she smiled reaching for the phone. "Mommy!" She screamed into the phone. I chuckled the way her eyes lit up it was adorable.

I took the phone back,"When you coming to see your daughter it's been awhile." She sucked her teeth,"Don't worry about it."

"You know Michelle I've been biting my tongue!" I'm so sick of her bull shit.

"And you can keep biting it!" She snickered.

"Man you better be here tomorrow morning at 7 don't play with me!" I was dead ass she think it's a game.

The next morning she was knocking on my front door directly at seven. I got up letting her in,"You was asleep" she asked. I nodded stretching she sat down on the couch looking up at me. "Why you told me to be here so early and where's my baby?" She snapped looking around the room.

"She's asleep so shut up!" We went into my room. I closed the door behind her,"What's up with you man?"

She rolled her eyes sitting on the edge of the bed,"Nothing why you worried!"

"This ain't like you to not be around our daughter. The fuck Andrew got you on!"

"Nothing damn! So worry about yourself Steven!" She yelled.

"Michelle, I wouldn't be all in your business if you spent more time with our daughter!" I was tired of her bitching.

"He ain't giving you nothing I can't do better so I don't see why you even tripping over this fool!" I mumbled.

She looked away,"Whatever Steven." Crossing her arms she got up to leave. I stood in front of her,"Why you trying to leave!" 

"I don't wanna argue with you I'll just have my momma come pick her up" she said pushing me. I held her hands,"I just wanna talk to you! You ain't gotta do all this."

"I don't wanna talk I'm tired of talking to you Steven, it's not helping. We can't be in a relationship and we can't be friends." It's crazy how she's acting right now.

"Damn that's how you feel" she nodded not even look up at me. I picked Aliyah up out the bed. She wrapped her arms around my neck still half sleep. Putting her in the car I kissed her forehead going back to get her overnight bag and baby dolls.

Michelle rolled down the window,"I'll meet you at the park at twelve."

"Yeah", was all I said before walking back to the front door and locking it. I had to pick up Aliyah's presents from the store. There was way too much shit going on for me to be worried about her.

I sat on the couch for a minute and lit up a joint. I ain't use to smoke. Now it was just something to clear my head when I needed to. My boy Joe put me on and I've been getting the shit from him ever since.

Twelve rolled around and the party was in full swing. I watched Aliyah running around in her pink toot too with her little friends. She was the splitting image of her mother expect lighter. She's so beautiful I glanced over at Michelle.

She was taking gifts from people it's like people bought more gifts then she actually needed I was afraid for Christmas. I felt a hand on my shoulder then turned around. It was my dad he smiled,"I'm proud of you son raising your daughter to a young beautiful queen." I smiled at him,"Thanks pops."

"Time for cake!" I heard somebody yell from behind us.

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