Check up

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Mom couldn't make it for my monthly check up she said she couldn't get off of work in time. I completely understood my mom works hard for what we have. Steven said he would go with me so I wouldn't be alone.

He honked the horn and I grabbed my bag and keys walking out the door. I got in the car and we pulled out the driveway. Steven didn't say much on the ride to the hospital I think he was nervous. This was our first time going to the hospital alone together.

We found a parking spot and go out the car. I walked up to the desk the lady acknowledged my presence with a bright smile,"Hi I'm here for my check up last name Davis." She typed on the computer,"Oh yes, Ms. Davis your appointments at 9 just take a seat in the waiting area the doctor will be right with you."

I smiled politely and walked toward the waiting area. Steven sat next to me texting on his phone. I sighed he looked up at me and rubbed my back, "What's on your mind Michelle." I shook my head I didn't really want to talk about it. "Michelle don't worry your self you know you can't be stressing."

The doctor came out checking her clipboard and called my name. Steven and I got up and followed the doctor down the hall. We went into a small check up room. The doctor shook my hand, "Michelle nice to see you again." She shook Steven's hand, "You must be the lucky farther congratulations." Steven smiled,"Yes and thank you I'm here with Michelle her mom couldn't make it."

The doctor smiled and turned back to me. I climbed up onto the examining table. She checked something off on her clipboard, "It says here you are exactly one month today." Steven smiled at me and grabbed my hand. The doctor said, "Would you like to hear the babies heart beat."

I looked over at Steven and squeezed his hand smiling. The doctor covered my stomach with the cold jelly. She put the machine on my stomach moving it slowly. I didn't take long find the babies heart beat. It was the mostest sweetest thing I've ever heard. I looked at Steven and smiled he squeezed my hand. I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks. The doctor smiled at me. "The baby heart beat is normal everything seems to checkout fine Michelle." Steven handed my some tissues I wiped my face.

The doctor smiled again wiping the jelly off my stomach, "All the mommies get emotional when they hear there bundle of joy heart beat for the first time it's natural." I smiled at the doctor, "Michelle your next appointment is next month I'll schedule it right now."

The doctor left the room. I pulled down my shirt and sat up. Steven stood up and walked over to me and kissed me. "I'm so proud of you Michelle." It was one of the most greatest gifts from God hearing our babies heart beat for the first time. The doctor came back in and told us we could leave.

We walked to the car, "I'm hungry, are you hungry we should eat." He laughed and got in the car. "What do you want to eat", I shrugged an buckled my seat belt. We passed by McDonalds I pressed my face against the window, "McDonalds is so good we should go there."

He shook his head,"No we are not going there so you can forget about it." I looked at him a crossed my arms,"You don't want me to be happy." He rolled his eyes,"I don't want you to be fat." I sighed really loud,"Take me to McDonald's Steven" I whined. He ignored me and kept driving. I looked out the window I really wanted some McDonalds.

I don't care if I get fat my mom will still love me. We got home I got out the car he followed me. "Michelle you still mad about me not getting you McDonalds." I ignored him and went to my room and plopped down on the bed. He sat next to me I didn't look at him, "Michelle come here." I turned my back towards him, "No I don't have to." He started ticking me I laughed. "I will stop tickling you if you give me a kiss Michelle." I laughed so hard my side were hurting,"No I'm not going to."

He tickled me some more I couldn't breathe I screamed for him to stop. He wouldn't stop tickling me I rolled over on the other side of the bed away from him, catching my breath,"I really hate you" I smiled. He leaned over and kissed me,"I love you too." He got up and left he said he'll bring me some Wendy's. I texted Courtney she said she was coming over in a hour or two. Mom was gone, Steven was gone, and Courtney's not coming over for another two hours I was dying of boredom.

What could I do in the meantime the door bell ring. I got up to see who it was. Braxton stood there rubbing the back of his head nervously,"Hey Michelle how's it going." I stood there staring at him,"I'm fine how are you." It was very awkward between us since me and Steven were going back out. I opened the door and stepped out on the porch Braxton towered over me.

I sat down in the chair on the porch. "So you and Steven are back together now." I nodded biting my bottom lip. He looked at me hard,"Why did you take him back." I should tell him right now while I still can,"I'm..I'm pregnant Braxton." His eyes were wide he stood up,"Your pregnant Michelle." I nodded slowly, "Yes and Steven's the father."

He sat back down rubbing his hands over his face,"Is that why you missed all those days from school." I nodded slowly again, "Yeah you can say that. You can't tell anyone Braxton please." He sat back down in his chair,"I won't Michelle you have my word."

I got up and walked over to him he stood up. I hugged him,"Thank you so much Braxton for understanding." Steven's car pulled up I instantly pulled away from Braxton. Steven got out the car holding my Wendy's.

His eyes darted between the two of us. Steven walked up to me pulling me in his arms without taking his eyes off of Braxton. I could tell Braxton was angry but he played it off well, "I'll see you later Michelle."

Braxton walked off the porch too his car. He looked back then got in his car and drove away. Steven growled,"What the fuck was he doing here." I looked up at him, "He was being a good friend that's all." Steven jaw twitched, "I don't like him..I don't want you talking to him when I'm not around."

Steven could be so possessive at times. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bag of Wendy's from him and went back in the house. I sat at the table ignoring him, "Michelle I'm serious stop playing with me" he said following behind me.

I sighed shoving some fries in my mouth, "I'm not playing." He grabbed the bag from me making me look at him,"Michelle do not play with me I'm serious I don't want you talking to him." I grabbed the bag back, "Fine I won't give me my damn food."

He caught an attitude and left. Honestly I don't care about his little hissy fits. I finished my food and laid on the couch watching sponge bob. I think Steven was overreacting a lot but he'll be fine. It was getting late and Courtney never showed she must've got caught up spying on her mom.

Courtney has took nosey to the next level. Mom came home from work hours ago. She was now in her room watching tv. I clicked off the tv in living room and went down the hall into her room. I climbed in the bed next to her laying my head on her lap.

Yes I'm a big baby and I love my mommy. She smoothed my hair down,"How was the appointment." I sighed, "Everything went well me and Steven got to hear the baby's heart beat." She smiled at me,"That's good but how are you feeling Michelle."

I looked up at her,"I feel better a lot better I'm not stressing I'm fine." She sighed, "That's good baby girl." I stayed in the room with mom watching the CSI Miami marathon until we both fell asleep I must've been really tired twenty minuets in I was out.

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