Bed Rest

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I heard my moms voice out of the darkness, following her voice she brought me to the light. She kept crying asking God to save her baby girl. I've never heard my mom cry of desperation before she was always the strong, and positive one in every situation. I guess everyone has their breaking points. I surely did when Courtney and Steven where screaming at each other. It felt like I was in a eternity of darkness before I could open my eyes. Opening my eyes the first thing I seen was the bag of blood being pumped into my arm. Then moms face she looked drained and tired I've never seen her like this before it hurt me to know I was the cause of her stress. I tried to move my head but it hurt all the tubes up my nose and in my arms I started to panic. The beeping on the heart monitor increased and started beeping rapidly. Mom got up and called for the nurse the nurse rushed in the room. The nurse looked at the monitor then back at me. She spoke really slowly at first, "Michelle your fine just relax your in the hospital and your mother's right beside you". I tried my best to relax the beeping on the monitor leveled to a slow steady beep. The nurse left to go get the doctor I looked at mom she smiled. Chocking back tears she said, "I thought I had lost you Michelle. I came home and there where ambulances in the driveway. I ran into the house and blood was all over the floor. You where on a stretcher while the paramedics tried to stable you. Your head was wrapped with bloody bandages. Stevens shirt was covered with blood and Courtney was on the floor crying. I asked Steven what happened he told me you had fainted and hit your head on the floor really hard. I looked at you then your eyes rolled in the back of your head. The ambulance rushed you to the hospital. They said you needed several sets of stitches. You had lost so much blood there going to keep you here for a few weeks". I blinked a few times, I tried to say something but my throat was so dry I couldn't form any words. The doctor came in she flashed a small light into my eyes. She said something to my mom but I couldn't hear her then the doctor left. Mom came back to my side and said, "There going to run a few test to make sure everything is ok". I wanted to ask her about the baby but I couldn't. Then she said something about the doctor putting me on bed rest. Also that I wasn't allowed to have any visitors until the test came back showing I was completely stable. I touched the bandages wrapped around my head even the slightest movement caused so much pain. I flinched when I moved my head to look at mom. She rubbed my hand with her thumb and said, "Michelle I'm glad your ok I prayed to God all the way to the hospital that you would be ok". She smiled then she said, "I'm so happy your finally awake after three days.". I smiled at her assuring her that I was ok. I pointed towards the water and she brought me the water. I took a long sip of the water, that water gave me life. She took the water away from me when I was finished. I asked mom about the baby and she said everything was fine, I just lost a lot of blood. A relief fell over me then she said, "Michelle you to need relax, and not stress over anything right now ok".

Steven POV

I was up all night for three days straight worrying about Michelle her mom hasn't called or anything. I didn't even go to school I just wanted to make sure she was okay. I wanted to go to the hospital but she wasn't allowed to have any visitors. My dad came in my room he sat down on the bed next to me, "Steven...son stop worrying about Michelle she's going to be fine". I stood up and looked at him, "Dad you wasn't there to see all the blood I...I was covered in her blood. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and your telling me to not worry". I started crying he didn't say anything else for awhile. I walked out of the room leaving him there. I grabbed my keys and drove to the hospital. Walking up to the front desk I asked the nurse where I could find Michelle's room. She told me she wasn't allowed to have visitors and was in bed rest. I asked her could she tell me if she was okay but she said, she couldn't reveal any personal information about the patient unless I was a close relative. I left the hospital lobby and sat in the parking lot in my car crying. I didn't know what else to do. I feel like its all my fault Michelle fainted I shouldn't have been auguring with Courtney. She just made me so mad, I don't understand why she doesn't want me and Michelle together. I hope Michelle's ok I don't want nothing to happen to her I did love her and I feel shitty for breaking her heart. I was stupid everybody makes mistakes I just made a fucked up one. April didn't mean shit to me honestly I can't even remember why I got with her in the first place. I broke Michelle's heart but I'm trying to fix things and I could be bum ass niggah and not care about my child but that's not me. I wasn't raised to run away from responsibility. I was raised to face everything and finish what I started I'm going to be there for Michelle and my unborn child. I couldn't stay in the parking lot forever I just went home. Dad and mom was gone when I got back. I needed some time alone to think. My phone kept ringing it was April she had been trying to talk to me for the last few days. I just kept avoiding her I can only handle one thing at a time. I declined the call and laid back on my bed. I could smell her perfume in my sheets I loved the way she smelled. That brought me back to the day we broke up I made the biggest mistake of my life walking away from her. I went to her house because she wasn't answering the phone. She opened the door she was happy to see me. But when she saw the look on my face her expression change. We sat in her living room I told her how we had good times but we grown apart. She looked at me with tears forming in her eyes it was like her world was falling apart right in front of her. I was the cause of this the horrible way she felt. She asked me why was it not working anymore, I lied to her face and told her because I needed to focus on other things and she was a distraction. I don't even know why I lied I just felt like I wasn't worthy to be with her. The day I left I went to Aprils house afterwards. I felt so fucking bad I needed somebody new to take my mind off of things. I didn't see her in school for weeks everybody was talking mad shit about her. It made me mad but I didn't stop them from talking bad about her. Dudes would call her a slut and a hoe because she wouldn't give them the time of day. Girls would hate on her just to have something to do they would call her bitches and thots. The one thing I wouldn't do is talk shit about her I respect Michelle to much to talk shit about her. When I found out she was pregnant and fighting I was so mad at her. She put herself and our child at risk for Courtney and April I was not having that shit. I love and hate Michelle for her loyalty. Love because she'll have your back when no one else will. Hate because she'll put herself at risk for you in the time of need. My Michelle she always have to save the day always have to make things right. Michelle is one of the most prettiest girls in school. I didn't get with her for her banging body. I got with her because she's beautiful within she has a heart and a mind that is so different. Michelle is the sweetest most kindest person you'll ever meet that's why I don't understand why bitches and niggas was shitting on her. If I could turn back the clock and change that day I broke Michelle heart I would. I love her to the end and back and I want her to know it. The one thing she had a hard time doing is forgiving someone she gave her all I love her way more than enough to win her trust back again. When everybody finds out she's pregnant we going be the talk in the town. All I know is I'm going to be there for my child and Michelle. I'm not walking away never ever again she's worth to much to let her go not now not ever.

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