2) I told you so

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Sophie POV

I push myself out from under the car and sit up.

Man it was hot in here.

I set me screwdriver on the floor and wipe the sweat off my forehead.

I really feel like a nice cool glass of water right now.

"So does it work?"Kai asks from besides me.

I set my screw driver down and wipe my hands on my tank top.

"I changed a few of the cables and I had to replace a part but everything else seemed fine.I also checked the motor but that was good too."I explain and stand up from the rolling board I had been using.

"Okay let me try it."Kai says.

Kai walks around and turns the engine on and guess what, it worked.

All those men that looked at me funny earlier can suck it.

"And she does it again."Kai says as he gets out of the car.

"So now that I figured it out, make sure that the others are informed about what the problem is."I say and tighten my pony tail.

I freshen up in the bathroom and change into my outfit for tonight which was way different from the tank top and overalls I was just wearing.

I walk out of the bathroom and into my office where Kai was already waiting for me.

"You got plans tonight hotshot or why you so dressed up?"he asks.

"Not that it is any of your business but no I'm only watching my brothers pro-bending match tonight."I reply, opening my folder to the sketch's of the new motor.

Kai rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.He's always been a bit touchy on any bending topic.He lost his older brother to a gang of benders a few years back and has hated them all since.

While I had also lost people to bending, I never hated all of them.It wasn't the bending that took my parents but the person that bended.There's a difference.

But hey everyone for themself.

We talk about how we are gonna approach this development,the time period and everything we're going to need.

We both write our individual notes and after about 2 hours we finish our meeting.

I look at my clock and see that the match is gonna start soon.

"Shoot I have to get going but we can talk more about project aircraft tomorrow.I have a few good ideas that we can add to make it even better."I say and quickly collect my stuff.

"Yeah sure,I also have to leave now anyways.My grandma wants me home for dinner."he says,collects his stuff and walks out the office to grab his coat.

When I lock my door he is waiting for me and we walk out of the facility together.

"If you are walking alone,I can walk with you.It's not safe at night."he says looking into the street that was becoming darker by the minute.

"No it's fine I brought my bike today anyway.I'll be quicker."I say and unlock my bike.

"Fine but be safe."he says as I jump onto my bike.

"I'm always safe,Kai."I say and start cycling.

"Bye hotshot."he shouts.

"Don't call me that, asshat."I shout back.

After about 20 minutes I arrive at the arena and it is almost completely dark now.

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