19) Smooth criminal

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We are skipping episode 7 & 8 as that's Wan's story so we are just carrying on with the story from where we ended off.

(This is also episode 9 & 10 combined)

Sophie POV

'Izhu,nalina, eh marila balatuna un zari inala 'I repeated for the thousands time in my head.

The words were haunting me.

I didn't know who wrote then or stuck them in my book but something about them was off.

Besides the fact that I could translate it as if I was fluent, the words scared me.

I didn't know for what this was for and my best guess was that it had something to do with the harmonic convergence .

I hadn't told my brothers or anybody else about it yet as every time I wanted to, I hesitated.

Ugh anyway I'm at home right now.

Well one of my homes?

Bolin had moved out which caused a massive argument under the three of us.

I was mad, not because he wanted to move out, I mean I did the same thing but rather the way he was acting towards us and treating us.We're his family for Spirit's sake.

It's as if he is now more important than us just because of his movers.

Bolin wanted me to move in with him but I flat out refused and stayed with Mako.

Bolin was a bit hurt but soon got over it.

I spent my days mostly doing research for my current and future projects.

Another thing that bothered me was that Korra has been gone for a week now.

No one knows where she went or if she was okay or coming back but no one seemed to worry either except me.

Everyone was too busy worrying about themselves to even think about each other.

I had locked myself in my room for a few hours to escape everything.

Escape from what specifically you ask?
That feeling of someone constantly watching me.

I feel like I'm going mental.
Feeling like someone was watching me ever time I stepped outside and let's not forget those cursed dreams.

Every night I dream of the same thing, someone running after me till I reach a giant oak tree and saying the same thing over and over again, 'You will free me'.

I wake up screaming every time but because my brothers are basically never home they know nothing about it...I haven't told them either through.

I feel like this is something I have to figure out by myself and not have my big brothers do it for me.

By the time I lifted my head out of my books the sun was already setting and I was starving as I forgot to eat anything the entire day, not having someone to remind me.

I made sure I looked decent before writing a note to Mako that I was getting us some food before leaving.

I was out for about an hour and a bit as the service took ages.

Just as I was about to open my door someone beat me to it and I was faced by a police officer.

I jump out of the way as he walks out the door with another officer behind him holding Mako in handcuffs.

"What is going on?"I shout in shock.

"Don't worry, Phie. Everything is going to be okay.This is all Varrick!Varrick set me up!"he shouts as they lead him down the hallway.

Chief Beifong emerges from the apartment and stops in front of me

"Mako is under arrest under the suspicion of being responsible for the bombing and stealing of future industries property."she explains.

"You think my brother is responsible for the bombing that almost killed me and the theft of property from one of our closest friends?"I ask, not hiding my tone of anger and frustration.

"I understand your frustration, Sophie, but we had a lead and now proof.As unbelievable as it may sound to you, money makes people do terrible things."she says and leaves.

I stand in the doorway in shock before I see Asami in our apartment.

"What the fuck?"I exclaim and slam the door behind me, leaving only Asami and I.

"You don't actually believe this do you?"I ask her and put the take out on the counter.

"Of course...not."she says unsurely.

"Asami, you can't really think that Mako would ever hurt one us intentionally.I know he did some stupid stuff in the past but this-this is different, this is actually serious."I walk closer to her.

"I know, you're right...I'm going to go.Are you going to be okay by yourself?"she asks.

"I'm going to go inform Bolin that our brother is in prison before going to the police station to kick some ass so I'll be fine.You can go."I say and she walks closer to the door.

"Oh and Asami."I say just as she opens the door.

"Yeah?"she asks and turns back to me.

"You have a bit of smudged lipstick there."I say and point to the side of my lip, giving her a look that says, 'I know what you two did.'

Her eyes widen and she mutters out a 'thank you' before rushing off.

I sigh.
What is wrong with these people?

Korra's been gone for a week and everything's is falling apart.

Very short chapter I know but the next one will be longer.

Thank you for 800 reads :)

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