41) Put a ring on it

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This chapter is based off Episode 9 :)
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Sophie POV

"Uhhhhh"I groan as I roll over.
I haven't relived those memories in months, they never get better.

"Sophie?"I hear Mako's voice echo through the large room.

"Mako?"I ask as he walks closer to my bed.


"Do you sense my misery or why are you always here when I wake up?"

"No you just tend to let the entire house know when your awake."

I roll over and pull the blanket back to my chin.

Mako takes a seat on my bed,"How are feeling?"

I take a moment and realise that I actually feel way better,"Good."

Mako doesn't leave and I sense he wants to talk about something.

I sit up and lean against the headboard,"what?"

Mako sighs and clasps his hands together."While you were sleeping you said stuff."

My heart stutters for a moment,"Oh really? What?"

Mako looks me straight in the eyes,"You kept mumbling Kuvira's name and "please stop" over and over again."

"Oh I did. Must still be shook up from that meeting I had with Kuvira in Zaofu."

"I was told you handled that quite well."

"Well maybe I didn't."

"Sophie, there is more history between you and Kuvira than you'd like to admit. I don't know how but those dreams confirmed it."

I give Mako a hard look,"There is nothing to confirm, nothing you need to know."

That seems to frustrate Mako,"Well then explain something to me. Explain what happened and why Kuvira is giving you nightmares."

"No I'm no-"

"Do you trust me?"Mako asks seriously.

I take a second to respond,"Yes."

"Then tell me!"

"No",I say and climb out of the bed to the bathroom.

"You know what? It's okay.
Go through whatever you are going through on your own. I'm going with Wu to this council leader meeting and maybe by the time I see you again, you'll actually start acting like a grown up!"Mako shouts as I slam the bathroom door closed behind me.

Mako will never understand what I went through. Not that I'll make the effort to make him understand either.
To be fair the most likely option is that he'll hate after he finds out what I had to do.

I'm washing my face just as I feel a rush of spiritual energy travel through my body. The impact causes me to sway and I have to stabilize myself against a wall.

There must a spiritual disturbance somewhere, a big one.

I get dressed and as I'm walking to the garage I overhear Jinora talking about a disturbance in the thick spirit vine area in the city.

I decide to let them deal with it and drive to my goal destination for the day.

I get out of the car and walk around the familiar graveyard.

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