14) A mechanic or a sorcerer

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Sophie POV

Once Bolin and I found breakfast we parted ways and went to our separate huts.

I was busy reading a book when there was a knock on my door.

I get out of the arm chair, walk over to the door and open it.

"Hallo ma'am, I'm Juan and hear to inform you that chief Unalaq requests for you too come down to the stables.He is there with Avatar Korra and would like to speak to you."he says, nodding his head in greeting.

I think about it for a second but agree.

"I will join you in a second.I just need to get my things."I say, to which he nods again and steps back.

"I will wait for you by the snowmobile."he says and walks off.

I get all my stuff together and make sure not to leave anything important behind.

Not after what happened with my old research a while back.

You know, my lives work that I was forced to blow up because of the equalists.

Once I'm done I meet Juan outside who takes me down to what I think are the stables.

He drops me off and points me into their direction.

"Chief Unalaq, Korra, how can I help you?"I ask greeting them, giving Korra hug.

She was practically beaming off joy making me wonder how someone could be so happy in Unalaq's presence.

I have never seen anyone beaming of happiness in Unalaq's presence.

"I'm happy you could make it."Unalaq says giving me a nod in greeting.

"I asked you to join us so that we could ask you about-"he starts but was interrupted by Korra.

"We're going to the centre of the South Pole."she says excitedly grabbing my shoulder.

"Korra that's great but from what I've heard and read, the centre is a place of great spiritual turbulence's, making it very dangerous for humans."I explain concerned.

"Yes you're right but I promise you we'll be fine which brings me to the reason why we asked you to come here.We would love for you to join us on this exhibition. Even through you are still quite young you are one of the most knowledgeable people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and I know you'd be a asset when trying to navigate through to the centre.It will also provide you the opportunity to see how much the south is really imbalanced with the spirits so you can report the situation correctly back to the United Nations."he says looking towards the camels.

Wow he's really pulling out the big guns.
Trying to smooth talk me and all.

"Come on, Sophie. I know it's dangerous but we both know you can defend yourself when push comes to shove and aren't you here to investigate the spirits anyway."Korra says trying to get me to say yes.

"Well I mean, yeah this would be a great opportunity to learn more about the spirits and maybe find a way to stop evil ones from attacking us."I say, biting my lip in thought.

"Fine I'll join you Guys."I say, making Korra hug me.

We spend the next few hours getting ready and stopping my brothers from throwing a fit because I was joining.

Like people, I have a job to do.
It's not a very warm job right now but it's still what I'm here for.

We were busy packing the camels and getting everything ready for the trip.

I had packed everything I needed and decided to keep my research with me.

It was in a bag, that was in a bag, which was in my backpack, which I wrapped with cloth a few times to make it fully closed.

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