31) Wait and see

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Sophie POV

After hours of driving we finally reach a small forgotten town which Aiwei should have passed through.

"Aiwei's definitely been through here."Korra announces and gets off Naga.

"Let's ask around. Maybe Someone's seen him."Mako says and Asami parks the car next to a sketchy looking bar.

Sure, let's ask potential bad guys about a bad guy.
There's No problem at all about that.

We walk in and Bolin's eye immediately catches a poster of him.

"Ooh, look, they have a mover poster of me. Must be big 'Nuktuk' fans. I should go over and say hello."Bolin goes to step further inside but Mako stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Can't you read numbnut?"I ask and point at the poster,"It's a wanted poster."

I let my eyes scan the rest next too his,"and there is one for each of us."

"Wanted by her majesty, the earth queen, for crimes against the kingdom."Mako reads out loud," I'm guessing this is because we took her airbenders."

"They weren't hers to keep! I swear, if I ever see her pinchy little queen face again, I am gonna-"Korra shouts but Asami interrupts her.

"Uh, guys, we should get out of here."Asami says and Mako starts too usher me out of the bar, quickly followed by the others.

We get in the car again and drive for another two hours.

We stop at a big rock formation and Korra shouts too us that Naga has found something.

We get out of the car and Korra earth bends a rock out of the way to reveal a abandoned car.

We walk towards the car and Asami turns to us,"this must be Aiwei's jeep, he can't be far."

We look over the city under us and Mako looks at each of us.

"Bolin and I-,"Mako's eyes shift too my pleasing eyes and he let's out a sigh of defeat,"and Sophie will investigate the misty palms oasis and see if he's holed up there."

"Yes, I love it when you talk like a cop. "Bolin grins.

"I'm coming too."Korra states.

"No. You and Asami wait here in case he comes back. Besides, we don't want to call too much attention to ourselves."Mako replies and Korra nods.

"All right."

Bolin puts a arm around my shoulder,"Ooh, Mako, Mako, Mako, we should wear disguises and pretend we're going undercover. That way, no one will recognise us. Police work is so exciting."

I Look at Mako with wide eyes as Bolin runs to the car.

"You wanted to be part of this."Mako shrugs and walks after Bolin.

He's right...I should have known better.

Bolin pulls out three bright yellow raincoats and goggles and shoves them into our arms.

I put them on amd stand next to, a just as excited as me, Mako.

Korra and Asami give us annoyed looks but that doesn't stop Bolin.

"All right, now we need our undercover identities. I'm an ex-United forced operative name Ting-Ting."Bolin says and goes on to explain his back story.

"Please as if you could have been in the United forces, you're way to wobbly."I snicker and Bolin bends a pebble at my forehead.

"Enough,"Mako shouts at us," let's just find Aiwei."

"But I haven't even told you guys your backstories."Bolin wines.

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