33) Always

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Sophie POV

Once Zaheer told me his message he walked off and our jail doors opened.

"What did he tell you?"Mako asks frantically.

"An important message for Korra but nothing vital for now. We have get out of the city and get too Korra as fast as possible."I say and they nod, for now dropping the subject.

We run out of the dungeon and after a bit of getting lost, and taking the same turn 3 time, arrive outside.

"I can't believe it. The upper ring is in chaos."Mako looks at the people looting the palace in shock.

"Should we do something?"Bolin asks as we watch one of the queens own guards help the raiders.

"This isn't our battle."I say,"I have to deliver Zaheer's message to Korra immediately. " I take a few steps forward and my brothers follow.

"Right. Okay. Find Korra, deliver message. Yeah this should be easy. We just gotta get out of the city and get to the desert, then somehow find her in the vast, expansive wasteland that goes on for thousands and thousands of Miles."Bolin says and I look around for a way to get out of here till I notice one standing right in front of us.

"Hey, Bolin."I say and he turns his attention too me.

"Shut up."I say and point too the airship.

We run too the airship and on board but when we get there, there are people busy trying to steal its parts.

"Excuse me, may I have your attention please? I'm with the republic city police, and I need to commander this airship to help the avatar."Mako announces but they just keep on stealing.

I frown and decide to take a different route.

I clear my throat and shout," Oh my word! It seems that they have found the queens vault? There must be thousands of coins."

Th at gets the raiders attention causing them to run out and I grin at my brothers,"you just gotta know how too talk to them, bros."

We run to the controls and I scan them.

"They took everything."Mako says and picks up a cable,"I mean, who rips out a transmission radio?"

"Some folks just do not have respect for others people's property.Now let's steal this airship!"Bolin shouts and I grin.

I pull on a few wires and find the ones too hot wire this thing.

Once the engine is on I push Bolin out of the seat in front of the stearing.

"You know how to fly this things?"Mako asks me skeptically.

"I used to help build these things."I reply with a roll of my eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Bolin grabbing a switch and before I can stop him, he pulls it down.

"Bolin! Up! Up!"I shout as the airship crashes into the floor.

"I don't see any "up" button. I see levers and Switches!"he shouts back.

"Bolin! Pull the lever up!"I scream and try to keep it from totally crashing.

"Oh, there it is."he says and we suddenly pull up.

I steady the airship and we start flying over the rings.

"The whole city is falling to pieces."Mako says and I look over the control board to see the city up in flames.

"Mako, Sophie our family is down there."Bolin says and looks at the both of us.

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