25) Kai 2.0

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Sophie POV

We all walk to the end of the docks, greeting the airship who's come to fetch us.

After I had explained what happened to me, Korra was flabbergasted.

It was a shock to all of us but it is what it is, I'm a fire bender now.

Bolin couldn't believe it and quickly called Mako who sounded like he was about to have a stroke.

Since the bending had showed itself I felt stronger, as if the advantage so many people had over me was gone.

"Did Someone order a fully-equipped future industries airship?"Asami asks from the entrance of the airship.

"It's perfect.Thanks, Asami."Korra reply's.

"Damn Asami this is nice.
Look at the finish.
This thing is brand new."I stare at it in aware.

Asami chuckles at me,"I figured if we're going to Ba Sing Se to search for airbenders, we should do it in style."

Meelo shouts something followed by Ikki.

Incase you're wandering if I'm going with to Ba Sing Se, of course I am.

I'm still working for the United Nations but I have the freedom to go anywhere as long as I could do work or research and traveling to different places could help me figure out solutions regarding the spirit vines.

I look at the airship again before someone walking up to us catches my eye.

Mako had come here last night after I called him to see if I was messing with him but once he saw it he was speechless.

I give him a hug and let him and Korra talk.

I know she's trying to get him to come with us but it'll be hard as he's still stubborn.

I look at them to see if I can get anything out of his reaction but when I see him walk away I run after him and am joined by Bolin.

"Mako! Wait a sec."Bolin shouts as we reach him.

"Korra already asked, guys.I can't just leave republic city.I have a life and a job here."he sighs and I put my hand on my hip.

"A life? You sleep under your desk and what's a more important job than helping the Avatar rebuild an entire civilisation?"I ask and Bolin nods in agreement

"It's not just that.I feel like I've been drifting apart from everyone."Mako sighs.

Well it's true

"Well, drift back.We need you!"Bolin shouts.

"Come on, Mako.We're going to Ba Sing Se where dad grew up.What if we meet our grandma for the very first time?"I ask.

"Yeah and she asks us, "Where's your sweet brother?"he acts out turning to me.

"And I have to say, 'I'm sorry, grandma.He had some really important police paperwork to file.'"
I say as if Bolin was our grandmother.

"And she starts to cry those grandma tears and is like, "Mako! Why?I can't go on.I can't—"Bolin starts crying again and falls onto Mako.

"And then she dies."I say darkly and put a hand over my heart.

"Okay, all right.I'll come with.
You guys are so stupid."he says pushing Bolin off of him.

"I guess I gotta call Beifong.She's not going to be happy."he says and goes on to give her a call.

We all soon get onto the airship and  wave at everyone as we fly away. 

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