10) Attack

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-Episode 10 and 11 are both used for this chapter :)

Sophie POV

"Good morning, sunshine."Kai greets happily , walking into the room they locked me in with a tea and toast.

"I made you your breakfast just how you like it."he says placing it on the side table next to me.

I debate my options but at the end decide that I was going to risk it because I hadn't eaten or drank anything in almost three days.

"Come on, hotshot.You can't be mad at me forever."he says taken a seat by my desk while I stayed on the bed.

"You betrayed me, Kai."I reply in a calm tone.

"Yeah but you got to think of it like this.I am helping you see into a better future, a future where we are going to be on top of the food chain for once.No more living in fear, only in equality."he says leaning back.

"We will never be on top of the food chain, Kai.There is always going to be something to fear.I don't want power, I want freedom.There's a difference and right now, you people are the ones miss treating me, not any bender."I say and take a sip of the tea.

"One day you'll see that this was the best thing to happen to the world but for now let's talk about your schedule."he says pulling out a note book.My notebook.

"Give me that, you asshole."I shout and jump up.

"Nah ah ah,this notebook is property of Amon now as you work for him."he says standing up and holding the book above my head.

"I will never work for that knock of version of a tyrant."I shout and knee him where it hurts, making his knees buckle.

I grab my notebook and go back to the bed.

"Fine take your stupid notebook but that doesn't change the fact that we're partners again."he says and uses the desk to steady himself.

I don't answer but just look out of the airships big window.

"Kai, I beg you as a friend, don't force me to do this."I ask not looking at him.

He sighs and walks towards the door,"and as your friend I'm helping you make the right decision."

He walks out and locks the door behind him.

I feel tears pricking in my eyes and quickly blink them away.

I have been here for about two days now.

On my first day Amon came in and gave me whole speech about how I will become the greatest of my field with his help and that I will help make the world equal.

I told him to shove it and spent the rest of the day breaking things.

Why? because I could.

The next day was spent with Kai barging into my room trying to get me to comply.

I always tried to find a sharp object that I could throw at him but it seems like they had removed all of them before I got here.

Today was the first day that he had shown me one of my old possessions through.

How he even got that I have no clue.

I spent the rest of the day tinkering with bits and pieces of material that Kai brought me and reading the same three books for the fourth time.

I hadn't cooperated with them one bit and I could see that it was frustrating them.

They didn't have much to work on since I blew up all the notes I had ever written and so I was their only chance to get those plans back.

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