15) Tension is in the air...

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Sophie POV

We all quickly make our way into the tribe and almost immediately split up.

Mako and I brought away the camels while Korra and her uncle went to the city centre.

"I don't like this, Mako."I say as troops walk past the stables, pushing people out of the way in the progress.

Mako doesn't answer but rather watches everything unfold.

"I'm sure Korra has it all under control."he reassures me.

A few more days pass and the tension in the tribe is getting worse every day.

Korra had a meeting with some tribe members at her home today while the rest of us all did our own things.

I was growing concerned.

The harbour was under lock down and so were all communication methods to the outside.

I tried to talk to Unalaq about that but he said that I was here to do research about the spirits and it wasn't necessary for me to report back anything to the United Nations yet.

I was walking down the street with my arm hooked into Mako's, trying to find a nice restaurant to eat.

We were both starving and all I had really done the last few days was research.

"I didn't find much about the spirits but I did find something in one of the really, really old books.Something called the hermonic convergence but it's written in old script so its going to take me a bit longer to translate it."I explain to Mako.

"Sounds interesting so does that mean straight to the library after lunch."he asks with a sigh.

"Yep or straight back to my hut, haven't decided yet."I respond and we carry on walking in comfortable silence.

We're almost at the restaurant when I hear someone frantically call out after us.

The figure runs towards us and I see that its Bolin.

"I'm so happy to see you guys!"he shouts and pulls us into a group hug.

"Uh, you all right, Bro?"I ask concerned

"No! No, I'm not all right!I can't take anymore! Listen, I don't want to live in icy bliss with Eska!"he cry's out.

"Don't make me! Oh, please, please don't make me."he shouts and starts sobbing into Mako's chest.

"Uh, hey, if you're that unhappy,just break up with her."Mako says making me snort.

"I don't think it'll be that easy bro, not with her.You need a better plan."I say shaking my head.

"Break up with her?You can do that?"Bolin asks Mako with teary eyes.

"Yeah.Guys do it all the time."Mako replies making me scoff.

Your last break up wasn't even verbal, you just ditched your first one and then played happy couple with the next.

"How?"Bolin asks.

"Just tell her you're not that into her anymore."Mako says making me scoff again.

"Oh, no, no, I don't think she'd like that."Bolin answers scared.

Woah he's actually right.

"Ending a relationship is kind of like pulling off a bloodsucking leech.You just got to rip it off and get it over with."he says making me stomp on his foot.

"Really Mako you couldn't find a better comparison than a bloodsucking leech, come on do better."I say glaring at him.

Even through I'm not the biggest fan of Eska, I'm not gonna let him call her a bloodsucking leech.

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