34) Almost dying=Motivation

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Sophie POV

Tenzin breaks the radio connection and soon enough we're on Su's airship.

Korra just finished healing my injures when we start talking strategy.

"I say we make our approach from the west. Drop down from the airship on cables. Ambush these red lotus lowlifes before they know what hit them. "Su explains and I run the plan through my head.

"I'm sorry Su but that will never work. That combustion lady will pick us off one by one."I say and she turns too me.

"You have a better idea how to save the airbenders?"she asks harshly and I point to another area on the map.

"We could come up from The Valley, scale the side of the mountain, and take them off guard."I suggest as I see the plan in front of me.

"That could work."Tonraq says but Su shakes her head.

"And give them the high ground? No. If their lavabender spots us, he'll melt the mountains and us with it."

"Wait! I got it. I'll disguise myself as a lost hiker and once I'm in the temple, I'll distract the red lotus with my bird calls."Bolin suggests and start whistling.

I Look at him dumbfounded,"how are we related?"

"Bird calls? Really?"Mako asks, ignoring me, and Bolin turns to him.

"Well, I haven't noticed you offering  any suggestions."Bolin counters.

"It doesn't matter. None of these ideas will work. The second Zaheer realises we're up to something, he'll wipe out the airbenders."Korra interrupts us.

"And Opal is one of those airbenders. Believe me, I understand what's at stake."Su says.

"Then you'll agree that the only plan that will work is for me to give myself up."Korra says and I immediately shake my head.

"What?"Bolin asks.

"Korra, no."I say.

"We'll figure out another way."Tonraq nods his head.

"I talked it over with Lord Zuko, and I've given it a lot of thought. I have to do this."Korra explains.

"You can't expect us to sit by and just let Zaheer take you."Asami says.

"The world has been out of balance for far too long. It needs the air Nation back again. I can't let Zaheer destroy it and everyone we love. Help me save the airbenders. Then you can worry about saving me. "
Korra says with finality.

"We're with you Korra."Tonraq puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, whatever you need. We're here."Su says and we all nod.

I will stand by Korra, whatever her decision might be.

"I'll go radio Zaheer."Korra says and walks out of the room.

We kinda split into small groups and I stand in a circle with Asami, Mako and Bolin.

"Korra knows what she's doing right?"I voice.

"I hope so."Mako replies and looks out the window.

I take a seat on a bench, jointing Mako, and Bolin starts walking in circles infront of us.

"Will you sit down?"Mako shouts,
"I'm already tense enough as it is!"

"I'm just worried about Opal and Pabu's not here to comfort me. I hope he and Naga are doing okay back in Zaofu."Bolin worries and I get up to give him a hug.

He hugs me back and soon we're all back to planning.

Korra comes back and explains Zaheers demands.

"I think I have a plan on how we can all make it out alive. So the airbenders and Korra all come out in one piece."Su says.

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