18) Lights, Camera, Action

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Sophie POV

A few days have passed since the United Nations had arrived and I was now at one of Bolin's mover premieres.

I'm sitting next to ginger who's expression was a mixture of disgust and disappointment...so the usual.

I lost interest halfway through the mover and was mutching on some popcorn while staring at the ceiling hoping that it would all end soon.

The clapping pulled me out of my thoughts and I joined looking at Bolin with joy.

I grinned thinking it was finally over before realising the mover was still running.

He smiled at me before Varrick said something into his ear.

"You're a star.People love stars."Varrick explains and I nod.

"You are really good at this stuff."I agreed.

Bolin thanks me and carries on talking to Varrick.

I glance at ginger and turn to her.

"Your acting is really good too."I complement.

She looks at me as if I just insulted her ancestors before rolling her eyes.

"I know that."she says making me slump back into my seat.

Okay then...

I carry on staring at the ceiling till I hear the end credits.

I only tune back into the world when Ginger struts past me making me turn to Bolin.

"She looks disgusted.Did you try and flirt with her again?"I ask and he frowns.

"Shut up."he grumbles,"Let's go."

We stand up and Varrick gets us a ride back home.

"I have to get out of this dress."I mumble and pull at the fabric.

"Hey Varrick gifted that to you, be grateful."Bolin says opening our door.

"I am grateful, just not comfortable."I reply and walk in.

We go into our rooms and come back out when we finish changing.

"I'm going to the library today, want to do some more research on the harmonic convergence ."I say and grab a snack for later.

"Fine but don't stay out to late."he says from behind the counter.

"Promise"I say and kiss his cheek.

"Bye Bo!"I shout as I walk out.

"Bye, Phie."he shouts back as I lock the door.

I decide to take my bike to the library instead of walking.

I rode till I felt myself stop and it was as if I was waking up from a trance.

I look around and realise I'm at the place I dread most.

The graveyard.

I get off my bike and lock it to the fence.

I open the gate and walk to the only person I know here.


"Hey, Kai."I say as I walk up to his stone.

"I know I haven't visited in a while but I swear I have a good reason.I've been working with the United Nations and it's been amazing, Kai.The things I'm seeing are so much better than any engine I have ever looked at."

I take a deep breath and feel the wind blow through my hair.

I look around and see that I'm the only person here.

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