36) See you again (book 4)

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^The dress Sophie is wearing to the coronation.^

Hey guys this is episode 1 & 3 (as episode 2 is 'Korra Alone' so I won't be writing on that (Although I will make up for that at a later stage). )

Sophie POV

It's early in the morning and the sun just started rising.

It feels like I have been staring out onto the palace gardens for ages but it must have barely been an hour.

I hear the bed behind me squick as Iroh stands up and arms wrap around me.

"What are you doing being awake this early in the morning, love?"Iroh asks and I lean back, against him.

"I woke up and couldn't fall asleep again."I reply and turn to face him.

He really does look good at any time of day. Like he just rolled out of bed and could be on the cover RCI (Republic City Idols)

"Today is going to be a busy day."he says as he gently starts messaging my shoulders.

"Yeah"I agree absentmindedly.

"Nervous about seeing your brothers again?"Iroh asks as he takes a seat besides me.

"No, Maybe, Yeah. We haven't held a proper conversation since 3 years ago...They don't even know what happened between Kuvira and me.
I'm scared how they are going to react once they find out what I did."I say and rub my hands over my face.

"You did nothing wrong, Sophie. You fought for the people of the earth kingdom with such power... power that no one has ever seen before."Iroh's hand on my shoulder tightens in reassurance and I place my hand on top of his.

Now that I think about it, everyone has been up to so much the past few years. Asami managed to bring Future Industries back to what it used too be (even snagging a deal to restore the railway from republic city to the earth kingdom and creating a high tech train to make it work effectively(I might have helped a tiny bit with that) ), Bolin helped Asami till Kuvira employed him to black mail me and keep me from ending the terror she was and still is causing, Mako worked as a detective till he was promoted( or demoted, I can't really tell) as prince Wu's personal bodyguard and Korra spent most of the time at the South Pole trying to recover (What I assume she did as she never replied to one of my letters) but is supposed to return to republic city very soon.

"Do you think prince Wu is going to make a good king?"I ask and Iroh shrugs.

"After the last time I met him I've had my doubts but as long as we're on good terms with him, we can help guide him."Iroh sighs and I look up at him.

"He sure does think a lot about himself."I shrug.

"That's what Im worried about,"Iroh sighs,"his ego."

I get up and walk over to the vanity situated next to the window and start brushing my hair.

"Who all knows that you're coming back to Republic city for the coronation?"Iroh asks, following me.
He takes the hair brush from me and carries on brushing my hair.

"Asami, Jinorra and Kai. Considering that the last time I communicated with Bolin and Mako was on my birthday. I told them I wasn't sure if I would be coming to the coronation or not and they have never asked again or called or responded to my calls sooo..."I explain and Iroh puts the brush back down.

We both start getting ready for the day and have breakfast with the rest of Iroh's family.

"You will be accompanying them to Republic City correct?"Lord Zuko asks.

"Yes I will be traveling with Iroh and Lord Zumi ."I reply and bite into my toast.

After breakfast I decide to take a few minutes to myself and walk to the court yard with the turtle duck pond.

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