28) Kuvira

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Exam are Finally DONE :) :) :)

Sophie POV

Each airship fly's their individual way with us fleeing from the red lotus and the new airbender going tolearn airbending at the northern temple.

We are busy having a pit stop in between the mountains and I'm lying in the sun, reading a book.

Bolin and Beifong are standing next to me while Korra plays with Naga.

"While you're playing fetch, four of the most dangerous criminals in the world are hunting you down.We should get moving,"Beifong says and her gaze shifts to me.

"We shouldn't waste our time laying in the sun either."

Now I feel personally attacked.

"Relax we just got here.Besides, no one knows where I am right now except us.Sophie disabled the chip remember, we're untraceable."Korra argues and I nod, turning the page.

Naga brings the ball back and I raise my eyebrows in surprise.How did she bring it back so fast?I wish I could run like that.

"I think she wants you to throw it for her."Korra says to Beifong and I snort in amusement.

As if she's actually going to throw that.

"I'll pass, thanks."Beifong rolls her eyes.

Out of the side of my sunglasses I see Asami and Mako rush towards us.

"We just got a call in the radio about another airbender."Asami announces.

"Finally, where are they?"Korra asks.

"A city called Zaofu. The home of the metal clan."Mako says and I jump up.

"No way I've wanted to go there in like forever."I say but see Chief Beifong tense up.

"You know the place?"korra asks Beifong.

"Uh, never been, but I don't want you going there.I'd rest a lot easier if you were back safe in republic city."Beifong explains.

I shoot up a eyebrow in question but Beifong shoots me a glance telling me to shut up.

I knew why she didn't want to go, not that it's any of my business really but I studied every member of the last avatar gang, from Chief Sokka of the southern water tribe to Master Toph, first ever person to bend metal, and everything about them so I knew about her sister and that they aren't on good terms.

What happened specifically between them I don't know though, It's not my place to know either.

"Sorry, but if there's an airbender in Zaofu, then that's where we're going next."Korra say with finality and walks back towards the airship.

I get up quickly and run after her to catch up.

We walk into the ship and walk side by side.

"You think I can maybe radio through to Iroh in Zaofu?"I ask and she shoots me a smirk.

"Probably, why? You miss him?"she ask with humour.

I look down when I feel my face flush red and mumble a 'shut up'.

She laughs and pats my shoulder before we walk into the cockpit.

We start flying again and make our journey to Zaofu.

It takes us a couple of hours but once we arrive, I smile with glee.

It's beautiful.

"Wow!Wow!Wow! An entire city made out of metal, Whoo! You should be right at home, Beifong."Bolin shouts but I ignore him and press my face closer to the glass.

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