6) Skyfall

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Sophie POV

"And then I was thinking that we could implement the new cables and their holders by the end of this week for the rest of the units."I explain to chief Beifong.

She had someone call me a few days ago and tell me that she wanted to hear more about my ideas, as they could come in handy when trying to fight Amon and the equalists.

"The manufacturing used by republic city for these kind of things said that they need a bit more time to develop the rest of the designs, as they are more complex than the original ones."I carried on flipping to next page that showed to new designs to its last, little detail.

I had already worked on this for months as I knew that if I had ever gotten the chance I would have to be prepared to the max.

She nods and puts her intertwined hands on the desk.

"I'll give them a call about that.I want them as soon as possible and not when they decide that it is time to make them."she says in her usual tone.

"What about the communication system?Did you figure that out?"she asks leaning back in her chair.

"Yes, yes of course.I found the mistake but fixing it will take a bit of time.I have informed your maintenance sector but they said that and I quote, "It's to much work and seems complicated." And hung up on me."I tell her and give her the piece of paper that held all the information for that project.

She runs a hand over her face and mutters something along the lines of "useless idiots".

"I'll sort that out.Would you be able to help with this problem?Is it too much for you?"she asks sliding the file next to her.

She actually looked sincere when she asked the second question.

Sometimes people tend to forget the fact that I am only 15, spirits even I forget that sometimes,but what can I do?
I finished my education and I have to do something with it and helping people is definitely a good way to use it.

I sit down and nod."I'll be fine and future industries said they have to make some big changes and renovations which requires most employees to stay home for most of the day.I still have to finish a few projects but yes I should be able to help with the problems."I say.

"Good so-"Chief Beifong was about to say something when the radio turned on and Amon sent through a message to the council about how they should shut down the pro-bending arena or else there will be severe consequences.

Chief Beifong doesn't finish what she was about to say and abruptly stands up.

"We can't let the arena be closed down!That will just show Amon that we are scared and as far as I'm concerned, Tenzin is stupid enough to actually do it.I have to  go to the council before they decide to be cowards."she announces and walks to the door.

"Oh yes, yes of course.Just call me again whenever you are free."I say and collect my stuff.

"What? no, you're coming with me.Once I get the council to leave the arena open,we go straight back here and you help me implement the rest of your designs with the rest of the unit."she says not really giving me a option and walks out.

I grab my backpack and quickly run after her.

"Really!-Oh I mean yes,it would be an honor."I smile and walk besides her.

We take a police car that I had modified a tiny bit which gave us that extra boost to get us to the council in time.

We quickly walk into the building and I struggle to catch up with Chief Beifong's long strides.

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