26) We are family

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Sophie POV

I've avoided Kai as if he's contagious.

He noticed, I mean everyone did, but they understood.

They knew what had happened with my Kai and when Bolin and Mako explained to them how similar they look, they let me do my thing.

Everyone knows but Kai himself.

I know he is utterly confused but every time he goes to ask someone they tell him to ask me but of course he can't do that as I literally hide from him.
Which isn't exactly hard either as this ship is massive.

Today I'm practicing with Mako on my new found bending and he says he's pretty impressed, that I learn quickly and have a lot of power in my strikes.

Of course it also helps that I read any book on bending the library had to offer in hopes of helping my brothers with their pro bending career a while ago.

"I'm done for today."I breath out feeling the sweat run down my back.

Mako agrees and throws me a towel.

"I'm going to go drink something and then get ready for Ba sing Se.You want something?"I ask and Mako shakes his head.

We sit in silence till Mako sighs.

"You got to go easy on the kid, Sophie.It not right."Mako says and sits down on a bench.

I stay standing and throw my towel in the basket.

"I know, I'm trying, but it's hard on me.I know he isn't him but every time I look at him, I see my Kai.It hurts...a lot."I reply.

Mako nods and grabs another towel.

I turn to the door and walk out.

I walk to the kitchen and see that no one is there.I make myself some tea with my back turned to the door.

I hear the door open and look into the reflection of the kettle to see who it is.

Kai's standing behind me totally still and looks at me with wide eye.

I sigh and turn around looking at him.

'He's not him, Sophie.'I remind myself.

"Want some?"I ask and point to the kettle.

Kai looks around the kitchen to see if I'm talking to anybody else but nods when he realises we're alone.

"Is Jasmin okay?"I ask and he quickly nods again.

I give him his tea and take a sip of mine.

I go to grab the biscuits when Kai's voice stops me.

"Why do you hate me so much?"he asks and I almost drop my cup.

"I don't hate you."I frown and pull out the biscuits.

"Then why do you treat me like you do?"he asks and I take a seat opposite him.

"It's a long story, Kai but you remind me a lot of a boy I once knew, my best friend to be exact.His name was also Kai and you look so much like he did...it's scary.He-He sadly took the wrong path in life and never got a chance to save himself.I never got a chance to save him.I guess it's a bit hard for me because you remind me of him but you aren't him and I have to realize that."I explain and he looks down at his cup.

"All I need is some time to figure it out for myself and I thought avoiding you would help me but I now realise that it doesn't.I know you've done some stupid things in the past too, Kai but you're on the right path now.I hope you Stay on it."I tell him and finish my tea.

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