3) The get together

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Sophie POV

I hold my head in my hands and sigh.

How are we gonna get 30000 yuans for the championship pot?

This morning we were so kindly informed that we had to contribute this ungodly amount or my brothers are out of the championship.

How unfair is that?

They worked so hard and now they only fail because of money?
That's not fair!

"You good?"I hear Kai ask from the door.

"Go away."I say and drop my head onto the table.

"Of course I'll come in and here, I brought you some tea."he says sitting down opposite from me.

I pick my head up off the table and give him a suspicious look.

"What do you want?"I ask, grabbing the tea to smell if it is poisoned

Seems okay.

Kai looks at me annoyed and rolls his eyes.

"It's not poisoned, shortcake.Why would I poison my favorite person anyway?"he asks giving me a smile.

I take a sip of the tea and set it down next to me.

"What did you do?"I ask leaning back in my chair.

"I did nothing but I do have a favor to ask.I'm going to a event tomorrow but I have to sort some stuff out today so everything goes well.Could you cover for me and finish up the project file alone?"he asks with a pleading look.

I look at him for a second but nod."Okay but you owe me 5 trips to the archive in the basement whenever I ask you to."I stick out my hand so we can shake on it.

I hate the basement.It's dark, creepy and it takes hours to find something.

"Deal"he shakes my hand.

"So what's got you all bothered."he asks rocking on the chair.

"Ugh my brothers need 30000 yuans for the championship pot or they're getting kicked out."I say and rub my face.

When we found out this morning that we needed that much money, Mako said that he'll just figure it out like he always does which I hated as I hoped that this whole championship thing would be a chance for him to stop stressing and I'm also really scared that Bolin is gonna do something super stupid to get the money.

"Shame, that's rough buddy."he says and runs a hand through his hair.

"You don't by any chance have 30000 lying around your house?"I ask in a hopeful tone.

"Yeah, right next to my bed made out of gold."he jokes.

"Funny, so anyway, have you gotten the feedback on the problematic cars and if my solution worked out?"I ask wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah, they all did what you told them too and bam it's fixed.You make me feel useless."he groans.

I smirk,"Oh please, you don't even need me to make you feel like that."

"Ha ha,funny, anyways I'm gonna get going and I hope you suffer the rest of the day."he stretches and stands up.

"Hope you have a lovely evening to, Kai."I say and pick up my pencil.

"Bye superstar!"he shouts and walks out, closing the door behind him.

What is up with these nicknames?

I carry on drawing sketches for the new airplanes until I'm interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in!"I shout and look up.

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