32) Prison Blues

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Sophie POV

"You know I've read all about you."I say to the water and earth bender.

They look at me but say nothing.

Fine be like that.

"If you think holding us hostage will give you some leverage to use against the avatar, you're gonna be very disappointed."Mako tells them.

"Can't we just enjoy our time together in silence?"ming-hua asks.

"Nah and why did you need Korra alive back in Zaofu?"I ask confused,"you had her paralysed. Why didn't you just take her out when you had the chance? Like I'm not complaining you didn't but just confused."

"Look, all you need to know is that the world is about to change, for the better."Ghanzan says.

Better for who?

"So you guys were, like, locked up for 15 years, huh? That must have been, like, crazy boring."Bolin frowns.

"Actually, it was only 13 years, but it felt like 30."Ghanzan sighs.

"I mean, what did you do with all that time? Did you sing songs, work on crafts?"I ask curiosity.

I'd straight up just read for 15 years.

"Not a lot of craft supplies in a volcanic prison cell."Ming-hua rolls her eyes.

"And I must have renamed the constellations about a thousand times. When it rained, that was a big event."Ghanzan says.

"Oh, I would've killed for some rain. Mostly I just made up stories about the guards. Who was having trouble with his girlfriend? Which one secretly wished he'd become a pastry chef?"Ming-hua explains.

"Ooh, okay, that sounds like fun. Let us try that on you guys."Bolin says and I quickly nod.

"You were raised by an older sister. Your mustache grew in when you were ten."Bolin starts.

"And I'm sensing— just sensing— an unspoken attraction between you two."I smirk and the pair infront of me looks at each other.

"Two out of three. Not bad."Ghanzan says looking impressed.

"Bolin, Sophie will you Stop making friends with the bad guys?"Mako asks annoyed and Bolin and I mutter a apology.

Suddenly the car rumbles and brakes abruptly.

"What's wrong?"Ghanzan shouts too the front.

"Looks like the engine is fried."P'Li says back and Zaheer hits the stirring wheel.

"Walking's going too take too long and we need the car for later."he says and looks back at us.

"Ghanzan, Grab the girl and take her out too the front.Ming-hua stays with the guys. Make sure they don't get up too anything."Zaheer commands and they nod.

Ghanzan unties me from my rope and pulls me up.

"Don't touch her!"Mako shouts and struggles against his own restraints which makes me struggle a bit too.

"Stop or your brothers get it."Ghanzan tells me and I immediately stop.

He opens the back doors and drags me out to the steaming engine.

The hood is already open and he places me infront of it.

"Fix it."Zaheer says and taps his stick on the floor.

"I'm an engineer not a sorcerer."
I say and cross my arms,"besides I don't even have any tools."

Zaheer looks at me and then tells Ghanzan to look at the back for any tools.

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