9) The sacrifice

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Sophie POV

I was awakened by a loud clang of metal and that's when the worst pain ever hit me. It took everything in me not to throw up from the wave of nausea that hit me straight afterwards.

I felt myself being lifted into the air and a presence besides me, Korra.

My eyes were now wide open and my whole body was cramped.

Tarrlok blood bend us towards a house and down a flight of stairs before placing us into a metal box.

"What are you doing?"Korra asked just as he lets his control over us go.

Korra landed on her feet while I fell straight on the floor still not being able to control my legs.

"Tarrlok!"Korra shouts just as he closes the door.

"Sophie's fate is all your fault, Korra.If you had just agreed with me we wouldn't be here.It's honestly a pity, she had so much potential.Now she's a victim of your incompetence."he says to Korra.

She looks at me but then bangs on the door.

"You can't keep us locked in here forever!"she shouts but he doesn't answer.

She keeps hitting the door and I find the strength to sit up against the metal wall.

"Korra, it's no use."I say and hug my knees to my chest.

She slumps against the door opposite me and looks at me with sorrow.

"Im so, so sorry ,Sophie.This is all my fault."she says and drops her head.

"Dont say that Korra, you know it's not true.We'll get out of here, I know we will."I promise and lean my head against the metal wall.

After a bit Korra try's to throw herself against the wall and shouts for someone to help us making my head hurt again.

I bury my head into my arms, trying to block out Korra so that the ringing in my ears would finally come to an end.

The feeling in my legs was slowly returning but I still couldn't stand up.

I didn't know what they put in that tea, but shit, it was strong.

Korra slumps back onto the floor and looks at me.

She closes her eyes and sighs.

Korra gets into a meditating position and takes another deep breath.

I make sure to find a comfortable spot and try not to make a single noise the whole time Korra meditates.

After a while Korra's eyes shoot open and she lets out a cheer.

"I finally connected with you, Aang."Korra says looking up.

I looked at her in surprise and smile.

"But what are you trying to tell me.A way out of this box would be nice."she carries on and looks at me.

I urge her to carry on meditating and we go back into silence leaving me with my own thoughts.

I thought about the gang and what they might be doing right now, about Mako, about Kai. Basically anything.

Thinking made me feel dizzy again and wave of tiredness hit me.

Don't you dare give up on me right now, stay strong for Korra I tell myself.

A bit of time goes by again and I felt my body slowly regain  some strength.

I hadn't tried to move my legs yet to not disturb Korra's meditating and damn were they cramping.

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